I have a question w.r.t PIO Card. Our daughter(Infant) was born in USA and we got her US Passport and 1 year Visa to India. At present, we are living in India. I have seen the OCI and PIO eligibility.
1) It was mentioned our daughter is not eligible for OCI as both parents are Indian citizens. Is this correct?
2) If the response for above is YES; We have to go for PIO for her. Can we apply for PIO card in India as the applicant has One YEAR validity on her Visa? Please share us any challenges we may face in the process. Also, share us any work-arounds!!
3) What address has to be mentioned in Present Address as we no longer stay in USA?
4) What shall be response for Q14 of PIO application form?
Q14 Whether the applicant of his/her parents or any of his/her grand parents or great grand parents was born and was permanent resident in territories falling in present day IndiaPakistan and Bangladesh, as on date of the scheme i.e., 30.03.1999 if so following details may be indicated
Date of Birth:
Proo of Residence:
5) Can I use USA Application format to apply in India(I got a badly formatted Application from M.H.A Web site)? They are different in format but not questions...
6) For Q13 and Q14 passport details are requested for both parents; should I put additional sheet to provide these details or specify them at the same place in application?
7) Do I have to get all documents(proof,application forms etc) notarized from an Indian official like Gazetted officier?
8) Can "Mark of Identication" be specified as "NONE"?
9) Should I enclose all pages of Passport (old and new) for parents as proof of Indian citizenship?
10) Apart from "Ministry of Home affairs" web-site is there any other Indian Government web-site (not that of USA) that gives procedure to be followed if application is being submitted in India?
I appreciate your response ASAP
I have a question w.r.t PIO Card. Our daughter(Infant) was born in USA and we got her US Passport and 1 year Visa to India. At present, we are living in India. I have seen the OCI and PIO eligibility.
1) It was mentioned our daughter is not eligible for OCI as both parents are Indian citizens. Is this correct?
2) If the response for above is YES; We have to go for PIO for her. Can we apply for PIO card in India as the applicant has One YEAR validity on her Visa? Please share us any challenges we may face in the process. Also, share us any work-arounds!!
3) What address has to be mentioned in Present Address as we no longer stay in USA?
4) What shall be response for Q14 of PIO application form?
Q14 Whether the applicant of his/her parents or any of his/her grand parents or great grand parents was born and was permanent resident in territories falling in present day IndiaPakistan and Bangladesh, as on date of the scheme i.e., 30.03.1999 if so following details may be indicated
Date of Birth:
Proo of Residence:
5) Can I use USA Application format to apply in India(I got a badly formatted Application from M.H.A Web site)? They are different in format but not questions...
6) For Q13 and Q14 passport details are requested for both parents; should I put additional sheet to provide these details or specify them at the same place in application?
7) Do I have to get all documents(proof,application forms etc) notarized from an Indian official like Gazetted officier?
8) Can "Mark of Identication" be specified as "NONE"?
9) Should I enclose all pages of Passport (old and new) for parents as proof of Indian citizenship?
10) Apart from "Ministry of Home affairs" web-site is there any other Indian Government web-site (not that of USA) that gives procedure to be followed if application is being submitted in India?
I appreciate your response ASAP