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Lost my son's PIO card in India

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  • Lost my son's PIO card in India

    Hi All,

    My son was born in America and we got him a PIO card (Indian Embassy in US) and currently he is in India on a 3 month vacation.

    My wife misplaced my son's PIO card and she is not able to trace it. Looks like its lost. An FIR is filed at the local police station.

    what is the process for my son to travel back to US? I know to the fact that he cannot obtain a duplicate PIO in India (as PIO site tells that the duplicate PIO card will be issued by the same office where the original is issued. i.e. in our case it will be in Indian Embassy in US).

    Local police told that we have to approach "Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi". They were not sure of what needs to be submitted to them and what is the process in place??

    Here in US the Indian consulate has no idea. They told me to approach the local police in India and they will help.

    Any one who has undergone through the same or has known people please let me know the process.

    My son and wife are scheduled to return back on May 13 2007.

    Thanks & Regards,

  • #2
    Originally posted by mravisri
    Hi All,

    My son was born in America and we got him a PIO card (Indian Embassy in US) and currently he is in India on a 3 month vacation.

    My wife misplaced my son's PIO card and she is not able to trace it. Looks like its lost. An FIR is filed at the local police station.

    what is the process for my son to travel back to US? I know to the fact that he cannot obtain a duplicate PIO in India (as PIO site tells that the duplicate PIO card will be issued by the same office where the original is issued. i.e. in our case it will be in Indian Embassy in US).

    Local police told that we have to approach "Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi". They were not sure of what needs to be submitted to them and what is the process in place??

    Here in US the Indian consulate has no idea. They told me to approach the local police in India and they will help.

    Any one who has undergone through the same or has known people please let me know the process.

    My son and wife are scheduled to return back on May 13 2007.

    Thanks & Regards,


    You should ask this question to the nearest FRRO. At worst, they can issue your son a retroactive visa and that will give the evidence that he's in status for departure purposes.

    Hope this helps,



    • #3
      Lost my daughter's PIO card in India

      I am in a similar position. I was travelling with my wife and daughter and our bags were stolen. My daughter's US passport and PIO card were gone. I have applied for my daughter's US passport. I was told by US consulate to go to FRRO, Mumbai. But when I call them, they ask me to go to local police station. We live in Surat, Gujurat when in India. Now the website says that if you don't live in Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkatta, then you need to go to MHA, Delhi. Is that true. If yes, do I need to take my daughter to the MHA office or can I make the application on behalf of her. What documents do I need to carry with me. Can you please give me any guidance that you can.

      Thanks in Advance


      • #4
        What's the final outcome?

        Hi Ravi, how did it go finally? Please share your experience with me at [email protected]



        • #5
          Another one in the same situation here. Only my wife and kid are in hyd and I am here in the US. I plan to contact the consulate at SFO to see if I can get a duplicate PIO card.

          Any ideas are welcome.


          • #6
            For any lost document you definitely need to file an FIr with the police, and use that document to apply for replacement, also make sure that you keep copies of all pertinent documents in a safe place.

            My suggestion is to scan all documents and keep them in online storage so that you can get them from anywhere, it hels in expediting the process.


            • #7
              Lost PIO: Exit Visa needed ?


              Lost PIO.
              Have copy & Police Report.

              Want to leave India.
              Would we need an Exit Visa ?

              Comments would be appreciated.






