I found your website link while searching for help. I have just arrived in US 1 month in feb end. Today while casually cheking my passport I found that I dont have Disembarkation form which is given at time of leaving Indian airport. Despite trying hard I am unable to recall if " the fellow at Delhi airport immigration counter had given this form to me or not."
Please advice what are the consequences and what can i do now before it gets too late.
please help
thanks a lot for every single word in your reply
I found your website link while searching for help. I have just arrived in US 1 month in feb end. Today while casually cheking my passport I found that I dont have Disembarkation form which is given at time of leaving Indian airport. Despite trying hard I am unable to recall if " the fellow at Delhi airport immigration counter had given this form to me or not."
Please advice what are the consequences and what can i do now before it gets too late.
please help
thanks a lot for every single word in your reply