- Child born in USA to Indian parents
- Child holds US passport with PIO card
- Child is minor -3 yrs
- Both parents hold Indian passports
The above family plans return to India for good.
Can the Child obtain Indian passport at the Indian embassy in USA?
I was reading the info on acquisition of Indian citizen ship on the following website: http://www.mha.nic.inhttps://www.imm...cquisition.htm
Item (b) under para 3 indicates that "Persons of Indian origin who are ordinarily resident in any country or place outside undivided India under section 5(1)(b)."
Any one on this forum got any additional info. Please advise.
- Child born in USA to Indian parents
- Child holds US passport with PIO card
- Child is minor -3 yrs
- Both parents hold Indian passports
The above family plans return to India for good.
Can the Child obtain Indian passport at the Indian embassy in USA?
I was reading the info on acquisition of Indian citizen ship on the following website: http://www.mha.nic.inhttps://www.imm...cquisition.htm
Item (b) under para 3 indicates that "Persons of Indian origin who are ordinarily resident in any country or place outside undivided India under section 5(1)(b)."
Any one on this forum got any additional info. Please advise.