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Proof of Residency for Minors

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  • Proof of Residency for Minors

    I'm applying for PIO for my 10 month old daughter. What documents can I attach to show proof of residency? She does not have Drivers License, utility bills etc.

  • #2
    I think the parent's will suffice for minors. Send a snail mail to your own address with her name if they are particular

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      It worked

      I sent the applications along with a coverletter specifying that daughter is an infant and included the stub from the SSN card that was mailed to her name. I think I also included a pharmacy stub that had her name and our home address. Well they accepted the application and PIO card was issued.


      • #4
        You may include any utility bill in your name. On that please write she is your daughter and stays with you in that address. Sign it and this would serve as an address proof for her.





