I am Indian born naturalized USA citizen. I recently aquired PIO card accidently. How much fee I need to send by MO for OCI card? One place I read $25 anf the other place $145.
Does OCI card allow me to file and hold an educational patent in India? I understand OCI is not Dual citizenship.
Do I need to have dual citizenship in order to hold patent in India? How do I acquire dual citizenship?
Please advise.
I am Indian born naturalized USA citizen. I recently aquired PIO card accidently. How much fee I need to send by MO for OCI card? One place I read $25 anf the other place $145.
Does OCI card allow me to file and hold an educational patent in India? I understand OCI is not Dual citizenship.
Do I need to have dual citizenship in order to hold patent in India? How do I acquire dual citizenship?
Please advise.