i and my wife carry indian passport. we are applying for PIO for
our new born.
can i fill in my details for question 14 on the application ?
14. Whether the applicant or either of his/her parents or any of his/her grand parents or great
grand parents was born and was permanently resident in India as defined in the Government
of India Act, 1935* at any time? If so following details may be indicated:
(a) Name & Relationship with the Applicant: ________________________________________________ (b) Place of Birth : _______________________________
(c) Date of Birth: _____________________ (d) Proof of residence etc. (Enclose photocopy of relevant documents: ___________________________________
Note: If applicant is the spouse of a citizen of India or a person of Indian origin, his/her particulars should be indicated).
our new born.
can i fill in my details for question 14 on the application ?
14. Whether the applicant or either of his/her parents or any of his/her grand parents or great
grand parents was born and was permanently resident in India as defined in the Government
of India Act, 1935* at any time? If so following details may be indicated:
(a) Name & Relationship with the Applicant: ________________________________________________ (b) Place of Birth : _______________________________
(c) Date of Birth: _____________________ (d) Proof of residence etc. (Enclose photocopy of relevant documents: ___________________________________
Note: If applicant is the spouse of a citizen of India or a person of Indian origin, his/her particulars should be indicated).