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OCI for Tanzanian

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  • OCI for Tanzanian

    I am a Canadian citizen born in Tanzania. I am also a PIO holder. My parents were born in Tanzania. Both my maternal and paternal grandparents were born in India.

    The only documents I have are
    - Original death certificate of my paternal grandfather indicating he was a citizen of India.
    - Original birth certificate of my mother (born in Tanzania 1939) indicating that both her parents were British Indians
    - Photocopy birth certficate of my father (born in Tanzania 1936) indicating that both his parents were British Indians
    - My original birth certificate indicating that both my parents were Indians.

    I have no old passports of any of my grandparents.
    - Are the above documents sufficient to enable me to apply for OCI?
    - If not, is there anything I can do? eg. swearing an affidavit, etc.
    - What can I do about the photocopy birth certificate as I understand that I need to produce originals as well?

    My spouse is also a Canadian citizen born in Tanzania and is an OCI. His grandfather was born in India

    Would our children (Canadian born) be eligible for OCI? I understand there is a grandfather clause for OCI, does that also include a great grandfather clause?

    Thank you.




