Dear Immihelp team,
Thanks for detailed information on various immigration guidelines and requirements details. I would like to seek clarification on one of the point related to a application for Indian citizenship.
As detailed at Government of India site for immigration ( http://www.mha.nic.in ) acquisition of Indian citizenship is possible through various means for person with Indian origin. One of the option is that a full age person whose both parents are Indian citizen can apply for Indian citizenship after one year stay in India. While person with PIO card need to stay in India for about seven years before he can apply for citizenship.
My question is, if person with PIO/CIO card meets the criteria of both parents with Indian citizenship staying in India can apply for Indian citizenship after one year stay in India, instead of waiting for seven years. Looking at the form for Citizenship application, application form for citizenship with “criteria both Indian citizen parents staying in India” seems to be applicable even for person with CIO or PIO card. Can you assist to clarify ?
Thanks for detailed information on various immigration guidelines and requirements details. I would like to seek clarification on one of the point related to a application for Indian citizenship.
As detailed at Government of India site for immigration ( http://www.mha.nic.in ) acquisition of Indian citizenship is possible through various means for person with Indian origin. One of the option is that a full age person whose both parents are Indian citizen can apply for Indian citizenship after one year stay in India. While person with PIO card need to stay in India for about seven years before he can apply for citizenship.
My question is, if person with PIO/CIO card meets the criteria of both parents with Indian citizenship staying in India can apply for Indian citizenship after one year stay in India, instead of waiting for seven years. Looking at the form for Citizenship application, application form for citizenship with “criteria both Indian citizen parents staying in India” seems to be applicable even for person with CIO or PIO card. Can you assist to clarify ?