I sent my daughter's OCI Renewal Application to CKGS Chicago and it was retuned to me unprocessed because I didn't upload her OCI document. I received the application back. I have few questions as I am trying to re-do all over again.
1. Should I continue working on the old reference number generated by Filling Part A and B or should I start all over again which will generate a brand new reference number ?
2. Does the Parental Authorization Form need to be notarized ?
3. CKGS put a note stating that I have "Incorrect Present Address" ? What does it mean? When OCI was issued for the first time, we had another address and since then we have moved and now we have a new address. When I entered all the info on https://ociservices.gov.in/, it never asked for new address. So when the form A and B was printed, it had old address printed. While submitting the form to CKGS, I put the Divers License which had the new address. So when they say "Incorrect Present Address" what does it really mean? and what I need to do to rectify with the new address ?
4. Digital Photo is already printed on OCI form which I got from https://ociservices.gov.in/, . Do I need to put physical photo on top of digital photo? or should I just send the physical photo separately and not paste on top of digital photo ?
5. Same questions as #4 above but this is about signature. Digital signature is already printed on OCI form which I got from https://ociservices.gov.in/, . Do I need to put actual signature on top of digital signature? or should I ask the minor kid to have another signature below the digital signature ?
6. What are the document I need to upload on Government of India website for OCI RE-ISSUE NEW PASSPORT ? Is Current US Passport and Old OCI Card good enough or do I need to upload more documents or any additional documents ? Does any of these documents needs to be notarized ?
7. After filling the application for OCI RE-ISSUE NEW PASSPORT on Government of India website, I got Form A and B printed. However, I am not sure how to handle the last page which is about the DECLARATION. Just wanted to remind you that this application is for Minor. Please see the form below.
It has 2 section- (i) DECLARATION (II) Application for Minor Child
7A - Should I enter the minor kid's name in DECLARATION ?
7B - I can write my name in where it says "I am a parent/ legal guardian**/ legal adoptee parent of ........................................................." but who should sign where it says "Signature of the Applicant" ? Should parent sign it here or the minor kid? Not very sure of from the form.
1. (Name of the applicant) .......................................................... solemnly and sincerely declare that
foregoing particulars stated on this application are true and I make this solemn declaration consciously
believing the same to be true. In case the information is found to be false at any stage, I am liable for
legal action/cancellation of registration as Overseas Citizen of India cardholder/deportation/blacklisting
or any other action as deemed fit by the Government of India. I have no objection to share the
requested personal particulars for processing of Overseas Citizen of India card by the security
2. I shall not use the Overseas Citizen of India card for undertaking any TABLIGH activities in India
3. I shall not use the Overseas Citizen of India card for undertaking any missionary or mountaineering
activities or Research in India without prior permission from the competent authority designated by the
Government of India
4. In the event of dissolution of marriage or marriage to another foreigner or death of Indian spouse, I
shall surrender my card to the issuing authority or mission [ applicable to spouse based applications].
Date ...........................................
Place .........................................................Sig nature of the Applicant................................
*Application for Minor Child
I am a parent/ legal guardian**/ legal adoptee parent of ......................................................... to whome
the foregoing particulars relate. I hereby apply on behalf of my/ the child for his/her registration as an
Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder.
Date ...........................................
Place .........................................................Sig nature of the Applicant................................
* To be filled only for minor
** In the case of legal guardian,
enclose proof of guardianship
*** In the case of legal adoptee
parent, enclose legal adoption
I am really getting tired putting together such a large volume of documents.
Your help is well appreciated.
1. Should I continue working on the old reference number generated by Filling Part A and B or should I start all over again which will generate a brand new reference number ?
2. Does the Parental Authorization Form need to be notarized ?
3. CKGS put a note stating that I have "Incorrect Present Address" ? What does it mean? When OCI was issued for the first time, we had another address and since then we have moved and now we have a new address. When I entered all the info on https://ociservices.gov.in/, it never asked for new address. So when the form A and B was printed, it had old address printed. While submitting the form to CKGS, I put the Divers License which had the new address. So when they say "Incorrect Present Address" what does it really mean? and what I need to do to rectify with the new address ?
4. Digital Photo is already printed on OCI form which I got from https://ociservices.gov.in/, . Do I need to put physical photo on top of digital photo? or should I just send the physical photo separately and not paste on top of digital photo ?
5. Same questions as #4 above but this is about signature. Digital signature is already printed on OCI form which I got from https://ociservices.gov.in/, . Do I need to put actual signature on top of digital signature? or should I ask the minor kid to have another signature below the digital signature ?
6. What are the document I need to upload on Government of India website for OCI RE-ISSUE NEW PASSPORT ? Is Current US Passport and Old OCI Card good enough or do I need to upload more documents or any additional documents ? Does any of these documents needs to be notarized ?
7. After filling the application for OCI RE-ISSUE NEW PASSPORT on Government of India website, I got Form A and B printed. However, I am not sure how to handle the last page which is about the DECLARATION. Just wanted to remind you that this application is for Minor. Please see the form below.
It has 2 section- (i) DECLARATION (II) Application for Minor Child
7A - Should I enter the minor kid's name in DECLARATION ?
7B - I can write my name in where it says "I am a parent/ legal guardian**/ legal adoptee parent of ........................................................." but who should sign where it says "Signature of the Applicant" ? Should parent sign it here or the minor kid? Not very sure of from the form.
1. (Name of the applicant) .......................................................... solemnly and sincerely declare that
foregoing particulars stated on this application are true and I make this solemn declaration consciously
believing the same to be true. In case the information is found to be false at any stage, I am liable for
legal action/cancellation of registration as Overseas Citizen of India cardholder/deportation/blacklisting
or any other action as deemed fit by the Government of India. I have no objection to share the
requested personal particulars for processing of Overseas Citizen of India card by the security
2. I shall not use the Overseas Citizen of India card for undertaking any TABLIGH activities in India
3. I shall not use the Overseas Citizen of India card for undertaking any missionary or mountaineering
activities or Research in India without prior permission from the competent authority designated by the
Government of India
4. In the event of dissolution of marriage or marriage to another foreigner or death of Indian spouse, I
shall surrender my card to the issuing authority or mission [ applicable to spouse based applications].
Date ...........................................
Place .........................................................Sig nature of the Applicant................................
*Application for Minor Child
I am a parent/ legal guardian**/ legal adoptee parent of ......................................................... to whome
the foregoing particulars relate. I hereby apply on behalf of my/ the child for his/her registration as an
Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder.
Date ...........................................
Place .........................................................Sig nature of the Applicant................................
* To be filled only for minor
** In the case of legal guardian,
enclose proof of guardianship
*** In the case of legal adoptee
parent, enclose legal adoption
I am really getting tired putting together such a large volume of documents.
Your help is well appreciated.