I sent in my passport renewal document 2 weeks ago. I got an email saying that I was missing the Indian Address Self Sworn Affidavit. When I overnighted the following document, https://www.immihelp.com/india/self-...ort-in-usa.pdf, I got this response
"Dear applicant you have to choose either I have been / have not been (select whichever is correct) residing outside India continuously for more than Five years. But you forgot to choose one."
I'm confused. I don't know what document to send them because the pdf they have online doesn't have a checkbox of any sort. What is the document I need to send them? I've tried calling them up or emailing them but their number isn't reachable.
I sent in my passport renewal document 2 weeks ago. I got an email saying that I was missing the Indian Address Self Sworn Affidavit. When I overnighted the following document, https://www.immihelp.com/india/self-...ort-in-usa.pdf, I got this response
"Dear applicant you have to choose either I have been / have not been (select whichever is correct) residing outside India continuously for more than Five years. But you forgot to choose one."
I'm confused. I don't know what document to send them because the pdf they have online doesn't have a checkbox of any sort. What is the document I need to send them? I've tried calling them up or emailing them but their number isn't reachable.