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Renunciation Procedure using VFS

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  • KG642 Put Indian passport number as that is relevant for Renunciation.

    Originally posted by KG642 View Post
    I also had a question regarding filling out the form on VFS site. Do I need to fill in my US passport number or the Indian passport number ?
    Click image for larger version

Name:	passport.JPG
Views:	2563
Size:	51.9 KB
ID:	749225


    • I have submitted in VFS site for renunciation of Indian passport but has not received any email from them regarding reference number, does anyone know how long it takes to receive emails in my inbox


      • Jay12345 Keep checking the tracking link on VFS website regularly. It is currently taking anywhere between 3-8 business days before the status shows up in the system as "received".


        • Hello all,
          I've been having issues to track my application since my application was received by VFS NY on 12/01/20. Despite number of emails and calls (Spending money in Customer service..really?) I have no information about my application yet. Its been close to 20 days already. Website says "Invalid Input" when I use their tracker. VFS stopped responding to me via emails. Please share your experience so to know what to expect .


          • Infiniti222 I am having the same issue and waiting for the acknowledgement from VFS for more than three weeks now. I called and sent them the mails but no response so far. I also called consulate and they have the same reply to wait for another one week. I think they have misplaced my application and there is no effort in their part to find it.
            Btw whose name you see in your FedEx delivery confirmation.


            • Infiniti222 Go ahead and dispute charge for customer service with your credit card company saying that they didn't provide any customer service for which they charged and it wasn't helpful.

              Originally posted by Infiniti222 View Post
              Hello all,
              I've been having issues to track my application since my application was received by VFS NY on 12/01/20. Despite number of emails and calls (Spending money in Customer service..really?) I have no information about my application yet. Its been close to 20 days already. Website says "Invalid Input" when I use their tracker. VFS stopped responding to me via emails. Please share your experience so to know what to expect .


              • Hello Folks - Please share your advice. Now they are not returning the renunciation certificate we filled out with the renunciation application but are sending a different format called surrender certificate + we also get the Indian passport back with cancelled stamp. I'm trying to understand the below requirement from OCI checklist. The headline says COPY so I'm guessing only copies would need to be sent but the bullet points are extremely confusing......

                1) Per first bullet - do i need to send a copy of the cancelled page or do I need to send the cancelled passport back
                2) second bullet we cannot send because they are not sending renunciation certificate
                3) Third bullet says we need to send both the cancelled passport and copy of surrender certificate

                **** **** **** **** **** **quoted from OCI checklist **** **** **** **** **** ***
                Proof of Renunciation of Indian Citizenship
                If you ever held Indian Citizenship, it is MANDATORY to provide proof of the Renunciation of Indian Citizenship along with your OCI application. One of the following MUST be produced as proof

                 Canceled Indian Passport with a stamp stating the passport is canceled due to obtaining US/Foreign citizenship
                 Certificate of renunciation issued by the Embassy/Consulate of India
                 Declaration of surrender certificate issued by the Embassy/Consulate of India Both - Cancelled/Surrendered Passport along with the copy of the Surrender/Renunciation Certificate must be submitted for Indian passports surrendered after May 2010
                **** **** **** **** **** **** *unquote **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ***


                • Originally posted by kiranboda View Post
                  Hi Everyone,

                  My ordeal has finally come to an end. Received my passport back along with a printed "Surrender Certificate" today.

                  However, they didn't return the renunciation certificate that was filled out, instead got a "Surrender certificate" printed from the Consulate in SF that says passport has been surrendered. They also stamped my passport with a stamp to say "Cancelled due to acquiring US citizenship".

                  Does anyone else have a recent experience of having gotten this Surrender certificate? Do they not return renunciation certificate that we filled out?

                  I could care less about which one to use, but want to be sure I got the right one back
                  kiranboda hoping you would have submitted your OCI application by now. what did you submit for renunciation proof. refer my post above as well...i'm really confused...hoping to get your advice


                  • Originally posted by vivekgovind View Post

                    I have sent my OCI application on Nov 30 and Fedex delivered on Dec1.. I have not received any acknowledgement mail from them yet..

                    I tried to track the application by providing both GOVT reference and VFS Reference but both did not accept. It says invalid input..

                    Does it take a week to receive the acknowledgement mail and get it updated in the system ?

                    vivekgovind - could you please throw light on my question above about renunciation proof - what did you send....thank you


                    • Originally posted by sinnerman26 View Post
                      I finally got my canceled Indian passport and Surrender Certificate back yesterday. It was a tense few weeks but its finally here.
                      My experience was with the VFS Chicago Center. Items were delivered on Nov 20th and I received the items back on December 10th including the time it took to coordinate with VFS, Consulate and the person who had received my documents because of VFS incompetence.
                      sinnerman26 hoping you have looked into the oci apploication.....what did you do for the renunciation proof... pls see my post above...thank you


                      • we-shall-overcome For OCI, only US passport has to be sent original. All other should be copies.


                        • Originally posted by we-shall-overcome View Post
                          Hello Folks - Please share your advice. Now they are not returning the renunciation certificate we filled out with the renunciation application but are sending a different format called surrender certificate + we also get the Indian passport back with cancelled stamp. I'm trying to understand the below requirement from OCI checklist. The headline says COPY so I'm guessing only copies would need to be sent but the bullet points are extremely confusing......

                          1) Per first bullet - do i need to send a copy of the cancelled page or do I need to send the cancelled passport back
                          2) second bullet we cannot send because they are not sending renunciation certificate
                          3) Third bullet says we need to send both the cancelled passport and copy of surrender certificate

                          **** **** **** **** **** **quoted from OCI checklist **** **** **** **** **** ***
                          PROOF OF RENUNCIATION– COPY
                          Proof of Renunciation of Indian Citizenship
                          If you ever held Indian Citizenship, it is MANDATORY to provide proof of the Renunciation of Indian Citizenship along with your OCI application. One of the following MUST be produced as proof

                           Canceled Indian Passport with a stamp stating the passport is canceled due to obtaining US/Foreign citizenship
                           Certificate of renunciation issued by the Embassy/Consulate of India
                           Declaration of surrender certificate issued by the Embassy/Consulate of India Both - Cancelled/Surrendered Passport along with the copy of the Surrender/Renunciation Certificate must be submitted for Indian passports surrendered after May 2010
                          **** **** **** **** **** **** *unquote **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ***
                          I had the same thoughts. I haven't submitted the OCI application yet. However my thoughts and assumptions are as follows:

                          01. Its says copies, so send copies only of your canceled Indian passport and the Surrender Certificate. Get the copies of the passport pages where there is a canceled stamp from the consulate.

                          02. Consulate should have sent you a Renunciation+Surrender Certificate. This is not the form that you filled out on the government website with the affixed photo. They keep that. There is another form that is available on VFS website(the one that is incredibly difficult to fill out because of their crappy field format). The bottom half of it is where the Consulate would have stamped. You would have to make a copy of that and send it.

                          03. In the checklist it says one of the following. But out of abundance of caution, I would send both the canceled Indian passport and the Renunciation+Surrender certificate copies.


                          • Originally posted by sinnerman26 View Post
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Renunciation Cert Example.JPG
Views:	10662
Size:	76.4 KB
ID:	749628
                            I had the same thoughts. I haven't submitted the OCI application yet. However my thoughts and assumptions are as follows:

                            01. Its says copies, so send copies only of your canceled Indian passport and the Surrender Certificate. Get the copies of the passport pages where there is a canceled stamp from the consulate.

                            02. Consulate should have sent you a Renunciation+Surrender Certificate. This is not the form that you filled out on the government website with the affixed photo. They keep that. There is another form that is available on VFS website(the one that is incredibly difficult to fill out because of their crappy field format). The bottom half of it is where the Consulate would have stamped. You would have to make a copy of that and send it.

                            03. In the checklist it says one of the following. But out of abundance of caution, I would send both the canceled Indian passport and the Renunciation+Surrender certificate copies.

                            This is what you have to send to them. The signed and stamped version that consulate would have sent back along with your canceled Indian passport.


                            • Originally posted by sinnerman26 View Post

                              This is what you have to send to them. The signed and stamped version that consulate would have sent back along with your canceled Indian passport.
                              Yes....this was sent by me along with the renunciation application but they returned back a surrender certificate instead. i believe i saw someone reported on this forum that they wrote to consulate and were replied back that they are only giving surrender certificates going forward....but strangely enough...VFS documents required still contains the renunciation certificate...!!!

                              I guess I will also send the surrender certificate copy + the cancelled page copy from passport....My confusion is because of the following and was wondering if they mean to send the cancelled passport (actual passport not copy) along with the surrender certificate copy

                              "Declaration of surrender certificate issued by the Embassy/Consulate of India Both - Cancelled/Surrendered Passport along with the copy of the Surrender/Renunciation Certificate must be submitted for Indian passports surrendered after May 2010"
                              Last edited by we-shall-overcome; 12-19-2020, 03:21 PM.


                              • we-shall-overcome I submitted a copy of the surrender certificate and copy of the indian passport which now has cancelled stamp due to acquiring foreign citizenship. They changed the process recently and are no longer returning the completed renunciation certificate back with a stamp on it. Instead, they are printing out a surrender certificate with all your details on it and sending that instead.





