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OCI Image Upload Issue

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  • OCI Image Upload Issue

    I am trying to submit a new oci application for my daughter in Indian govertment website.
    I have uploaded the photo and thumbprint as per specifications. But I am not able to proceed further.

    The website says that the image is satisfying the requirements for both photo and signature. But after I click upload, it is going back to the same page again and again. Even if I close and open the application again, it is still the same issue during upload.

    Have anyone else faced the issue previously

  • #2
    They do have intermittent issues with upload (probably storage issues), they realize and fix it time and again
    try completely clearing your browser cache - to make sure it gets the latest updated page


    • #3
      Do you still face any issue ? Because I was able to load the photo and signature..


      • #4
        I faced an issue.. I would like to share..

        The file name of the photo can't have special character.. In windows, When you try to make a copy of a file, it automatically creates the file name with parathesis ().. This is not allowed in VFS site.

        File name : Photo (1).jpeg ---------- (Not allowed)





