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OCI Renewal for Minor - Signature question

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  • OCI Renewal for Minor - Signature question


    With VFS now processing OCI services in the US, can anyone help me with below question?

    "OCI Application Form. In the case of Minor both parent's signatures and the notary is required on the last page of the OCI form." The OCI Form does not have space for both parents to sign in case of renewal.

    1. Do I still need to notarize in case of renewal and if so where should both parents sign? or can only one parent sign and notarize the document?
    2. Do minors needs to sign/finger print in case of parents signing the document?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	13372
Size:	74.8 KB
ID:	750049

  • #2
    Take a thumb impression of your kid or have them sign at the first line (if they are old enough and able to). Both parents should sign the bottom section and get it notarized.


    • #3
      kiranboda so both the parent sign in the same box? Do we need to get this form notarized as well as the parent authorization form?


      • #4
        Yes correct. Both parents sign beside each other. There is not a lot of space for notary, but u have to get it done in the same page. Remember to sign in front of the notary.





