Just received this email from VFS. The link provided takes us to a 404 - Page Not Found. Any thougths ?
Dear Applicant,
We have ‘Received’ your Application and your application is now ‘Under Process’ at Chicago.
Your Tracking ID is USACxxxxxxxx
To ‘Track and Trace’ please visit: https://visa.vfsglobal.com/usa/en/ind/track-application and use Government reference number ( ARN, File Reference number) to get the updated status of your application.
Please note this is an auto - generated email. Kindly do not reply to this email.
VFS Global
Dear Applicant,
We have ‘Received’ your Application and your application is now ‘Under Process’ at Chicago.
Your Tracking ID is USACxxxxxxxx
To ‘Track and Trace’ please visit: https://visa.vfsglobal.com/usa/en/ind/track-application and use Government reference number ( ARN, File Reference number) to get the updated status of your application.
Please note this is an auto - generated email. Kindly do not reply to this email.
VFS Global