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OCI for Minor

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  • OCI for Minor

    I am applying for "OCI in lieu of PIO" for my son and saw below question...since I am also in the process of applying OCI (just filled the application), should I select "yes"? The status shows "Granted / Not Granted" only...I was expecting "In-process" as well. What should I select or its better to wait for my OCI to process before applying for my son?

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	753568

  • #2
    if you already applied and its in process fill it out and status not granted. I did the same. My sisters application was in process and I selected 'Not Granted'. Didn't have any issues.


    • #3
      Few more questions "OCI in lieu of Valid PIO Card" - Minor

      1) Just wanted to confirm what documents to upload to OCI gov site, the instruction shows only valid Passport and PIO only. Do I need to upload any other document? I read in forum to upload Parent auth as well.
      In case of applications for registration as Overseas Citizen of India Cardholder in lieu of PIO card, only copies of the following documents to be attached:-
      • Valid passport of the applicant
      • Valid PIO card of the applicant.

      2) VFS checklist shows "Proof of address" which can be DMV, Utility bill etc - is this for the parent given this OCI is for a minor and won't have these docs?​​​​​​

      3) Notary - The parent auth needs to be notarized but does the Part B of the application also needs to be notarized? I see two place for signature for Application which would be my kid's signature and don't see any where Parents can sign.


      • #4
        Proof of address is the for the parent

        The bottom section of Part B has an asterisk and is declaration by the parent. Get the finger print of the applicant in the section right above it. If the minor is above 5 years old, they must sign.

        There isn't a lot of space on this page, but u have to get it notarized at the bottom right below the signature. And remember for both parents to sign it.


        • #5
          thanks kiranboda

          can you also let me know if notarized copy of parent auth is also required to be uploaded to Gov site? If yes then I will have to go twice to get notarized-
          1) First to get parent auth notarized and then upload
          2) Then print the application and get Part B notarized.

          Not sure why this is such a painful process...


          • #6
            hi all, can someone confirm what documents to upload to OCI gov site? The dropdown has many option and the instructions are contradicting all over the place-

            This is what I have gathered so far-
            1) Current Passport - Minor applicant
            2) PIO Card - Minor applicant
            3) Address Proof - DMV of one Parent

            Click image for larger version

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Size:	112.3 KB
ID:	753680


            • #7
              Originally posted by sks123 View Post
              thanks kiranboda

              can you also let me know if notarized copy of parent auth is also required to be uploaded to Gov site? If yes then I will have to go twice to get notarized-
              1) First to get parent auth notarized and then upload
              2) Then print the application and get Part B notarized.

              Not sure why this is such a painful process...
              It turned out even after you do "Final Submit" which generates the form, you can still upload documents by entering the passport and reference number. I uploaded the parent auth after getting both the form notarized...!


              • #8
                Originally posted by sks123 View Post
                hi all, can someone confirm what documents to upload to OCI gov site? The dropdown has many option and the instructions are contradicting all over the place-

                This is what I have gathered so far-
                1) Current Passport - Minor applicant
                2) PIO Card - Minor applicant
                3) Address Proof - DMV of one Parent

                Click image for larger version

Name:	img1.png
Views:	1309
Size:	112.3 KB
ID:	753680

                Finally below documents I uploaded to OCI site
                1. Current Passport - Minor Applicant
                2. PIO Card - Minor Application
                3. Address Proof - Parent DMV - Both as one PDF
                4. Relationship Certificate - Minor Applicant Birth Certificate
                5. Indian Origin Proof - Both Parents "cancelled passport" first and last page
                6. Legal Status of Parents (in case of minor applicants) - Parent's US Passport Copy
                7. Marriage Certificate - Parents
                8. Parent Auth in case of minor - Notarized
                FedEx to VFS
                1. Copy of all of above docs
                2. OCI application form - last page notarized
                3. Two passport photo
                4. Original PIO card
                5. Checklist
                Will update as the process progress!


                • #9
                  Hi , I’m applying for oci for my minor child(6 months old )
                  1. Do I need to take Color print the gov form as I see my kid photo and thumb impression on the downloaded form.
                  2. For Indian visa upload - I’m a GC holder , do I need to upload the same or older visa copies(expired and 5 years old).
                  3. Do I need to affix any photo on the gov downloaded application , I believe we have to just send it 2 photo since I see the photo is already printed on the gov downloaded form.
                  your reply is appreciated


                  • #10

                    My daughter (8 years old) already has PIO and I am trying to convert to OCI as we are planning to travel to India in a couple of months. My main question is, it says if minor is above age 5 they must sign? My daughter never signed anywhere but of course she can write her name. So should I ask her to write her name or practice some sort of signature? Thanks for your suggestions.





