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New OCI minor application - does your family have applied for OCI ?

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  • New OCI minor application - does your family have applied for OCI ?

    In the OCI application on "https://ociservices.gov.in" in Part B,
    Q: "Have you/any member of your family applied for Overseas Citizen of India registration earlier"

    I am applying for a minor, both the parents do not have the OCI yet. The application for parents OCI is in progress and was shipped by fedex this week.

    What will the answer to the above question be ? Will it be Yes or No ? What is the "Reference No." if answered Yes ?

    thanks for the help !

  • #2
    Originally posted by arpitm View Post
    In the OCI application on "https://ociservices.gov.in" in Part B,
    Q: "Have you/any member of your family applied for Overseas Citizen of India registration earlier"

    I am applying for a minor, both the parents do not have the OCI yet. The application for parents OCI is in progress and was shipped by fedex this week.

    What will the answer to the above question be ? Will it be Yes or No ? What is the "Reference No." if answered Yes ?

    thanks for the help !
    Even if it's in process and not yet granted say yes and put reference number. It starts with usasv.





