I am PIO who immigrated to US 35 years ago and also served in US Navy more than 25 years ago. I am over 50 years old now. I am debating getting OCI card mainly to be able to purchase property in India as that is the requirement. However, I found through research that Indian Govt does not issue OCI to ex-armed forces foreign nationals including PIOs. Can anyone validate that for me? Also, if I were to not disclose this on application, how would anyone in Indian govt know that I served in US armed forces more than 25 years ago as that information is not publicly available and I have not posted it anywhere on any social media? Can I purchase non agricultural property in India without OCI if I can't get it due to this restriction?
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OCI card for PIO who has served in US Armed Forces
Even OCI holders are not allowed to purchase agricultural property (lands, farms etc.) in India. So getting an OCI won't help you there.
For regular residential or commercial property, OCI holders have no restrictions. Even foreign citizens can buy as long as they have established residency in India (stayed in India for at least 6 months).
I don't know if they make background checks before issuing OCI or not, but if you make false statements on your OCI application, and they find out (even later), then can cancel your OCI and ban you from entering India (deny Visa). Assess the risks before your act.
Yeah, I am already aware that OCI holders can't acquire agricultural land. I am only interested in acquiring ancestral non agricultural property and that also to resolve family conflict/lawsuit that has been lingering on for more than a decade. Unfortunately, I must get OCI card to be able to do that and now it turns out that because of my non-combat armed forces experience of more than 25 years ago I may be denied the OCI card. I wonder how other folks in my sort of predicament are dealing with it. Thanks for your input.
You are not eligible for OCI, but you need OCI to resolve legal issues in India. IMO, your situation seems beyond this forum. You should talk to a qualified lawyer in India.
Or, if you are ok with the risks, just apply for the OCI and see what happens.