We are applying for our kids (minor - 16 years old) Indian Citizenship renunciation. On the Government application, at the bottom of the second page there is a box for signature along with an instruction "If applicant is minor, either parent to sign". VFS checklist states, both parents "MUST" sign. Does it mean, all three of us (Minor kid, mother and father) will all be signing inside that box? Can anyone with similar experience help??
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Parents signature for Minor's renunciation application
Not sure of the latest forms, when I submitted for my kids, there was a space for the child to sign, and there were spaces for the mother and father to sign.
33. I/We ............................................... do solemnly and sincerely declare that the foregoing particulars stated on this application are true ,and I/We make ths solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.
Date ............................................
Place ............................................ Signature ............................................
** Application for Minor(s) I am a parent/guardian of .......................................................... to whom the foregoing particulars relate. I hereby apply on behalf of my/the child (children) for his/her/their registration as an Overseas Citizen(s) of India.
Date ............................................
Signature of Father/Guardian ............................................
Signature of Mother/Guardian ............................................
** To be filled only for minor applicant(s)
closing out to help future applicants. via VFS customer support:
- the 1st page of the government application form, only a minor signature is required.
- on the last page of the government application form, on the signature box, the minor's signature is needed and below the minor's signature, both parents' signatures are required.