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Information needed to update Social Security after becoming US Citizen

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  • Information needed to update Social Security after becoming US Citizen

    I recently became a US Citizen.Wanted some information for updating the Social Security information.
    US law requires that once we become US Citizen-we must update our Social Security Records.
    I do have a SSA account online and tried to update my SS information online after becoming US citizen.But there is no such provision to update online-Wanted to know on this forum if any of you can suggest or share how did they update SS information.Are we supposed to fill up the SSA form-SS5 and mail it or can we do it online.


  • #2
    Congratulations on becoming a US Citizen. Not sure what is the latest style of working for SS office. Please call the SS line to confirm. The process is pretty simple. We updated ours couple of months back.

    1. Fill the SS5 form with your current SS# and status as US citizen (one form for each applicant).
    2. Drop off the form and your original US passport / naturalization certificate in the SS office dropbox. They had only 30 minutes once week when all applications were to be dropped off.
    3. The passports were returned by UPS within 2-3 days
    4. New SS cards arrived within 3-4 weeks

    Hope this helps


    • #3
      Thanks for responding ----
      I already filled the SS5 form and now waiting whats the next step?
      I have been trying the toll free number of SSA but the call hold time goes above 20 minutes but no response---
      Probably I will have to call the nearest SSA office---
      Dropping off the form in the SS office dropbox is something new for me.
      Let me ask you---how did you know we need to drop off our form and US passport(supporting docs)in dropbox-is the standard process followed all over or did you get any information from the SSA office at ur local place.
      Response much appreciated!


      • #4
        We called the local SSA office. You should call and check. They maybe open now.





