I am applying for passport renewal for my daugther and ran into this new senario where I found a mistake on the vfs online form I submitted. The First name and Last name on the application got replaced with my name instead of my daughter's name. It is a browswer auto population issue. Now that I realized this after I have paid the fees, labels are generated , confirmation letter is generated.. BUT I HAVE NOT SENT MY PACKAGE YET.... since i found this ... The Customer Name it is showing my name but passport # , Government ARN is all correct. I have submitted online ticket to vfs customer care to send me email response. Yet to get a response... IS THERE A WAY I CAN CORRECT THIS MISTAKE USING THE SAME Government REFERENCE NUMBER AND the VFS Tracking #. ? Or can i request them to delete this application under this Customer and allow me to create a new application ?
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Identified a mistake on online form after submitting fees on vfs global