My query is now I am in USA Atlanta. My family is in INDIA I have kid also. I want to apply passport for my KID.
Since I am in USA for to apply passport for Kid requires affidavit seems. Please let me know how to proceed further.
Can I send by post or mail to embassy (affidavit) or do I need to go personally to the office. Because it require to go in my working days for that I won't get leaves And it require lot of Cost also ..
I heard in ATLANTA there is no office. Where I can go and apply. Please reply as soon as possible
My query is now I am in USA Atlanta. My family is in INDIA I have kid also. I want to apply passport for my KID.
Since I am in USA for to apply passport for Kid requires affidavit seems. Please let me know how to proceed further.
Can I send by post or mail to embassy (affidavit) or do I need to go personally to the office. Because it require to go in my working days for that I won't get leaves And it require lot of Cost also ..
I heard in ATLANTA there is no office. Where I can go and apply. Please reply as soon as possible