While searching for FNU problems I landed to your site.
I would like to thank you for pointing out about the consequences of not having the Surname in Passport.
My case is also similar.
In my passport my Given Name is "Mukesh Kumar" and Surname field is left blank.
So to avoid FNU problem going ahead, I want to split my name. I want my name to be read as First Name : Mukesh and Last Name: Kumar.
So my question to you is as following:-
1. Do I need to apply for new passport or just adding an observation on passport will be sufficient?
2. How long will it take for new passport/adding observation?
3. Is "Kumar" as a surname accepted? Since I dont have surname as such in any of the document. My all the document shows my name as Mukesh Kumar only?
4. Is there any chance of visa getting rejected just because of name related issue - no surname, name changed , name split ..etc?
Waiting for your reply....... Thanks in advance.
While searching for FNU problems I landed to your site.
I would like to thank you for pointing out about the consequences of not having the Surname in Passport.
My case is also similar.
In my passport my Given Name is "Mukesh Kumar" and Surname field is left blank.
So to avoid FNU problem going ahead, I want to split my name. I want my name to be read as First Name : Mukesh and Last Name: Kumar.
So my question to you is as following:-
1. Do I need to apply for new passport or just adding an observation on passport will be sufficient?
2. How long will it take for new passport/adding observation?
3. Is "Kumar" as a surname accepted? Since I dont have surname as such in any of the document. My all the document shows my name as Mukesh Kumar only?
4. Is there any chance of visa getting rejected just because of name related issue - no surname, name changed , name split ..etc?
Waiting for your reply....... Thanks in advance.