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Middle name issue during Renunciation

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  • Middle name issue during Renunciation

    Can someone throw some light on how to fix Inidan Citizenship Renunciation issues due to the addition of middle name during US naturalization( no name change process involved)?

    My Indian Passport has my name in the format : FirstName LastName
    US Passport: FirstName MiddleName LastName

    USCIS used my birth certificate ( that has FirstName Middle) during the immigration process and added my middle name, and I was thus naturalized as FirstName MiddleName LastName. There was no formal or court name change requested with USCIS or any other legal US entity.I never thought much about it until the time came to go back to the Indian system to Renounce Indian Citizenship with the intent to apply for OCI.

    I submitted an attested Middle Initial/Name addition affidavit in the Renunciation certificate package

    But VFS Global says :

    We have "Received" your Application however we are unable to proceed with the application due to the following reasons:
    Name Change Documentation : Please provide copy of court ordered name change document

    When I called then they repeat the above and say the consulate is saying this.

    I can see a few posts here with middle name issues( added or removed) during Renunciation /OCI but I cannot see how they were eventually resolved.

  • #2
    Hi there, were you able to resolve your issue? My application was rejected by VFS for the same reason. I have middle name on my Indian Passport but not on my US passport. Any advice?


    • #3
      Did you actually include a copy of the naturalization certificate as the said "court document" along with the application and the notarized name difference letter?


      • #4
        slightly different issue: VFS website generated certifciate has two problems:

        1. format is - <surname> <firstname> SINGH AJAY ---- no <middle name>
        2. even though I provided middle name KUMAR in the forms, the final certificate does not show it

        for those who have gone through will that create issue with VFS or OCI later. both indian/us passports have matching first/middle/surname

        I am thinking of just using PDF file, and fill it out as AJAY KUMAR SINGH -- will that mess up more? or just go with VFS messup?


        • #5
          jains What did you end up doing? I faced the same issue but used the auto generated renunciation certificate thinking they must be knowing what they are generating but was curious to see how your experience went. Thanks in advance!


          • #6
            Hi RandonUSGuy, I had a similar issue; in my case, I had the middle name on my Indian passport, and when I became a US citizen, I dropped my middle name. My application for a surrender certificate was rejected twice; I finally called the agency, and they recommended a notarized letter with the details. I used a letter (psted below) and got it notarized and sent in with my application, and it was accepted.


            Travisa India Outsourcing

            Attention: OCI Mail Department - Id # **** **** ***

            4100 Wertheimer Road, Suite #210

            Houston, TX 77027

            First, my Indian passport was created on May 28thXXXX Later wanted birth certificate for some other reason but when I was born had no name in the Birth Certificate, so my parents had to do affidavit for my name but it was not done according to my Indian passport name. During Naturalization, they (US Naturalization) took the name from Birth Certificate and not according to the passport. As well as the middle name was dropped during the Naturalization. I had discussion with the officer during the interview but they said we will follow the birth certificate. So the name between the Indian passport and the naturalization does not match.

            Because of the above reason I am submitting an affidavit saying that indeed all the name below are for the same person First Name Last Name. I have officially no name change and don't have any documents like court order, a stamp on the back of Naturalization certificate indicating the change, a copy of marriage certificate and a US and Indian newspaper advertisement of the name change. Please accept this affidavit.

            (1) Indian cancelled Passport # **** * has name FirstNamekumar MiddleName LastName.

            (2) Birth certificate/Affidavit has name FirstName MiddleName LastName.

            (3) Naturalization certificate has name FirstName LastName (middle name was dropped).

            (4) US Passport # **** *** has name FirstName LastName (middle name was dropped).

            I, ____________________________ do solemnly and sincerely declare that the foregoing particulars stated in this declaration are true and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true.

            Name: Signature:

            I, ____________________________, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, hereby certify that ______________________________ personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit, personally appeared before me this day and having been by me duly sworn deposes and says that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct.

            Witness my hand and official seal this the _________ day of __________, _________.


            Notary Public

            My Commission expires:

            ____ / ____ / ________.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jmetadi28 View Post
              jains What did you end up doing? I faced the same issue but used the auto generated renunciation certificate thinking they must be knowing what they are generating but was curious to see how your experience went. Thanks in advance!
              Curious if anyone of you have any update on this? I have the same issue (interesting how common this issue is). I see that even after putting middle name in the VFS forms, when the renunciation certificate is generated with other documents it does not contain middle name... Curious if I should just put my first and middle name as my first name to avoid this situation??


              • #8
                Originally posted by jains View Post
                slightly different issue: VFS website generated certifciate has two problems:

                1. format is - <surname> <firstname> SINGH AJAY ---- no <middle name>
                2. even though I provided middle name KUMAR in the forms, the final certificate does not show it

                for those who have gone through will that create issue with VFS or OCI later. both indian/us passports have matching first/middle/surname

                I am thinking of just using PDF file, and fill it out as AJAY KUMAR SINGH -- will that mess up more? or just go with VFS messup?

                Curious if anyone of you have any update on this? I have the same issue (interesting how common this issue is). I see that even after putting middle name in the VFS forms, when the renunciation certificate is generated with other documents it does not contain middle name... Curious if I should just put my first and middle name as my first name to avoid this situation??


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Amit Shrichandani View Post

                  Curious if anyone of you have any update on this? I have the same issue (interesting how common this issue is). I see that even after putting middle name in the VFS forms, when the renunciation certificate is generated with other documents it does not contain middle name... Curious if I should just put my first and middle name as my first name to avoid this situation??
                  Could you please update on what you ended up doing ?


                  • #10
                    Any update on this issue?
                    VFS auto generated form do not include middle name and I have middle name in both the passport. What to do?


                    • #11
                      Tech123 / dchvic / @Amit Shrichandani​ : any of you could please help what did you end up doing?

                      I have similar issue, in my indian passport I have <first_name> <middle_name> and <last name>, while in US passport, I have <first name> and <last name>, I have just dropped my middle name in us passport but haven't changed first name or last name. Can you help what did you end up doing?



                      • #12
                        you should get a notarized statement saying that those two names <firstname><lastname> and <firstname> <middlename><lastname> are indeed the same person.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tech123 View Post
                          Any update on this issue?
                          VFS auto-generated forms do not include a middle name, and I have a middle name on both passports. What to do?
                          Interestingly, everyone asks questions, but no one posts back when they are done. What did everyone do, use auto-generated or fill your own, or resubmit with a Middle name as a part of the given name?

                          VFS is marred with workflow problems.
                          1) They did not clarify which passport number on vfs site (its a Foreign passport)
                          2) Middle name on renunciation certificate issue; this could result in future problems where names do not match, etc.
                          3) Charged for photo service and then again charged during uploads.

                          Now that phone customer service is paid, this seems like a gimmick to make a small incremental profit.


                          • #14
                            I submitted notarized document stating that "FIrstname Middlename LastName" and "FirstName LastName" refer to the same person. Here is the letter format I used to create the docuemnt:


                            Indian Consular Application Center
                            Attention: OCI Mail Department
                            File-number - USAS00B1BNXX
                            642 Harrison Street
                            Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94107

                            Subject: OCI Application - Name Discrepancy - FirstName LastName

                            To the Honorable Consul,

                            This letter pertains to my application for an Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card. I am writing to address a discrepancy in my name between my Indian passport and my US naturalization, which has resulted in the omission of my middle name, "MiddleName" during the naturalization process.

                            My Indian passport, issued on October 10th, 19xx (Passport No. A20XXXX), and my Surrender Certificate both bear the name "FIrstname Middlename LastName"." However, my US Naturalization Certificate and subsequent US Passport (Passport No. A0776XXXX) reflects the name "FIrstname LastName".

                            As advised by the consular officer, I submitted an affidavit confirming "FirstName MiddleName LastName​" and "FirstName LastName​" are the same person. My middle name "MiddleName" was inadvertently omitted during naturalization; I have no formal name change documentation. Please accept this affidavit.

                            To summarize, the following documents pertain to the same person, FIrstname LastName:​

                            (1) Indian cancelled Passport # **** * has name FirstNamekumar MiddleName LastName.

                            (2) Birth certificate/Affidavit has name FirstName MiddleName LastName.

                            (3) Naturalization certificate has name FirstName LastName (middle name was dropped).

                            (4) US Passport # **** *** has name FirstName LastName (middle name was dropped).


                            I, FirstName LastName​, solemnly declare that the aforementioned details are accurate and truthful. I affirm that "Subhash Amar Jawahrani" and "Subhash Jawahrani" refer to the same person.

                            Name: FirstName LastName

                            Signature: _________________________

                            I respectfully request that you accept this affidavit and process my OCI application.

                            Thank you for your understanding and consideration.


                            Firstname LastName
                            Address & Contact Info

                            I, ____________________________, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, hereby certify that ______________________________ personally known to me to be the affiant in the foregoing affidavit, personally appeared before me this day and having been by me duly sworn deposes and says that the facts set forth in the above affidavit are true and correct.

                            Witness my hand and official seal this the _________ day of __________, _________.


                            Notary Public

                            My Commission expires:

                            ____ / ____ / ________.
                            Last edited by sjawahrani; 02-20-2025, 10:44 PM.





