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OCI application along with military status

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  • OCI application along with military status

    I am an American citizen, and I am married to an Indian national. In future, I plan to apply for OCI and settle in India. In OCI application, they ask if I have served in Military. So my question is this... If I was discharged from the US military with an OTH (Other than honorable discharge) would I mark yes or no under the question. I technically didn't complete my term and I don't receive any veteran benefits. If I say yes however, I automatically don't qualify for the OCI card... So, I am wondering what to do. I am not even sure if my records would show up that I have served military... If I mark yes, is there a way I can get OCI because Ideally, I am not eligible for it because of my military service.

  • #2
    AFAIK anyone who served in the military (or any defense force) will not get OCI approved/renewed, even if they had an OCI before joining the military.

    Refer Question 33 on https://www.mha.gov.in/sites/default...s_23072021.pdf


    • #3
      Navigating OCI requirements can be tricky, especially with military service considerations. It sounds like your situation with an OTH discharge adds an extra layer of complexity. I once helped a friend who faced a similar issue with their immigration paperwork. They found clarity by consulting experts like those at https://ptsdlawyers.com/appeal-a-va-decision/, who provided valuable insights and guidance tailored to their specific circumstances. It might be worth seeking professional advice to understand your options fully.
      Last edited by trevormiller2678; 07-15-2024, 03:53 AM.





