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PIO application - notarize?

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  • PIO application - notarize?

    I recently became a US citizen and I am applying for a PIO card now. The PIO doc check list talks about some stuff to notarize. (see below)

    I am going to be submitting my application in person at the SF Indian consulate. So I will carry originals anyway -is notarization still needed?

    Pl. provide one set of notorized photocopies of the first two and last two pages and US visa page of the Indian passport (if OPTION A is chosen in Serial No. 6 above) or of documents listed in OPTION B (if OPTION B is chosen in S. N. 6)

  • #2


    • #3
      If applying in Person - Notarization NOT Required

      If you are planning to apply for PIO Card in Person, you don't need to notarize any of the required documents. You need the following..

      a. Surrender Certificate
      b. Indian Passport Original
      c. US Passport Original
      d. Proof of Current Address (Driver's License)
      e. PIO Application
      f. 2 Passport sized photos (2 x 2).
      g. Cashier's check for $370.00 + $20.00 (for return mailing or use your Fedex account number if you have one).

      Surrender certificate is required (Indian Passport) ..prior to applying for PIO. You can apply for both (Surrender and PIO) together.





