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Need to apply PIO card from India..Urgent!

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  • Need to apply PIO card from India..Urgent!


    My son is an US citizen who is now staying with me in India on 6 months Entry visa multiple entry. Can I apply for PIO card from India since we might not go back before 6 months or might not return to US at all? I am an Indian citizen.

  • #2
    How to apply?

    An application for issue/renewal of a PIO Card shall be made in the prescribed form and shall be accompanied by documentary evidence to show that the applicant is a person of Indian origin as defined.Prescribed application from can be obtained from the office of Indian Embassies abroad, Foreign Regional Registration Officer, Delhi/Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai/ Amritsar and also from the Ministry of Home Affairs, 26 Mansingh Road Jaisalmer House -110 011.

    Where to apply for the PIO card
    (i) An application for issue of a PIO Card shall be made to an Indian Mission in the country where the applicant is ordinarily resident.

    (ii) Applications already in India on Long Term Visa (more than one year) shall make the application for issue of a PIO Card to the following authorities:-

    (A) Those residing in :-
    (a) Delhi: - Foreigners Regional Registration Officer,
    Level –II, East Block VIII,
    R.K. Puram Sector – I, New Delhi.

    (b) Mumbai: - Foreigners Regional Registration Officer,
    Annexe – II, Commissioner of Police,
    Craw Ford Market, Mumbai – 400001.

    (c) Kolkata: - Foreigners Regional Registration Officer,
    237, Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Road,
    Kolkata – 700020.

    (d) Amritsar: - Additional Deputy Director,
    Bureau ofImmigration ,
    B/123 Ranjeet Avenue, Amritsar.

    (e) Chennai: - Chief Immigration Officer,
    Bureau of Immigration, Shastri Bhavan Annexe,
    No. 26, Haddows Road, Chennai – 600006.

    (Those residing in areas other than (A) above :-

    Joint Secretary (Foreigners),
    Ministry of Home Affairs,
    Jaisalmer House, 26, Man Singh Road,
    New Delhi – 110011.

    I am not a lawyer and you need to consult with one to validate any info posted on the forum and discuss your case specifics. H1b Question? Read the FAQ first.


    • #3
      Thank you for the information. I read somewhere that only if the person is in India on long term visa for more than one year he/she can apply for PIO card from India. My son has 6 month entry visa. Can I apply for him from here? This information is not available in the website that you have given. Can you please help out?


      • #4
        Please ignore my previous post. It is mentioned in teh website that only if the applicant is on more than one year visa can they apply for PIO card from India. I think my son does not qualify since he is on entry visa for 6 months. Is there any other way to get PIO card from India?

        Originally posted by rubies View Post
        Thank you for the information. I read somewhere that only if the person is in India on long term visa for more than one year he/she can apply for PIO card from India. My son has 6 month entry visa. Can I apply for him from here? This information is not available in the website that you have given. Can you please help out?





