This is jain from banglore and working as a software engineer.I have a small query regarding B1 visa validity.Pleae correct if i am wrong or give me your valuable response for the below query,
I have got B1 visa before six months back.which shows that one only year validity of my B1 visa.But send a query to consulate and get a response from them.They says that you can apply for extension once you complete your validity or earlier also.
I am planning to apply for B1 visa extension,these are the below queries,
1.How do i apply B1 visa extension?
2.whether i have to declare any proof or not(It means i am going for so and so purpose),while i am submitting my B1 extension form.
3.What are the documents i needs to provide if in case yes for the above question.
Advance wishes for valuable information for the above query.
This is jain from banglore and working as a software engineer.I have a small query regarding B1 visa validity.Pleae correct if i am wrong or give me your valuable response for the below query,
I have got B1 visa before six months back.which shows that one only year validity of my B1 visa.But send a query to consulate and get a response from them.They says that you can apply for extension once you complete your validity or earlier also.
I am planning to apply for B1 visa extension,these are the below queries,
1.How do i apply B1 visa extension?
2.whether i have to declare any proof or not(It means i am going for so and so purpose),while i am submitting my B1 extension form.
3.What are the documents i needs to provide if in case yes for the above question.
Advance wishes for valuable information for the above query.
