(1) My Indian passort name is different (e.g Lastname FirstnameKumar Middle).
(2) Birth Certificate (e.g Firstname LastName).
(3) Naturilization Certificate (e.g Firstname LastName). - They have followed Birth Certificate and not the passport. As well as nothing showing a stamp on the back of Naturalization Certificate indicating the name change.
How can I prove that all the names are same? As I have got query from Travisa. Please help.
(2) Birth Certificate (e.g Firstname LastName).
(3) Naturilization Certificate (e.g Firstname LastName). - They have followed Birth Certificate and not the passport. As well as nothing showing a stamp on the back of Naturalization Certificate indicating the name change.
How can I prove that all the names are same? As I have got query from Travisa. Please help.