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OCI renewal and database mismatch.

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  • OCI renewal and database mismatch.


    I recently got my sons US passport renewed and currently applying for renewal of OCI. Per instructions i have entered all the details correctly from my sons OLD OCI card. But still the website comes back with error message "Information submitted by you does match with the database. Please try again". Has anyone come accorss this issue. Can you please help.

    Note: I found from other forums that place of birth has two space ( i tried that combination too ). I have tried all the combination u-vias, regn #, file# and still get the error. Your help is deeply appreciated.


  • #2
    OCI renewal and database mismatch.

    Hi Everybody

    Finally found the problem with my oci renewal and database mismatch. It is the date of birth format problem. The oci form asks for date of birth in dd/mm/yyyy format when i try that it throws up an error. However, when i try mm/dd/yyyy format it went through. Which to me means either the database has my sons date of birth stored in the mm/dd/yyyy format or the web page that says to input in dd/mm/yyyy is wrong. I am not sure.

    Does anybody know what format the date of birth is printed in OCI card ?. Now that this is format problem i guess i have to correct my oci card as well.






