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Surprise baby shower

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  • Surprise baby shower

    I have seen this new trend, at least among Indians in USA.

    If Mrs. gets pregnant, Mr. wants to give surprise baby shower party to Mrs. Nothing wrong about that itself.

    However, Mr. expects that his friends do the pot luck and bring the food for the party, do the decoration etc. Mr. does NOT bring any food or contribute any money etc.

    Usually, this surprise baby shower party is organized by a close friend of Mr. Or at least that is the impression we get. It might be desired by Mr. himself and just using the friend's name.

    Morever, we are expected to give gifts also to the couple. (Peole send the links to the gift registry etc!) And most ridiculous, someone is expected to bring the gifts for return favor as well!

    I don't understand this concept at all.

    I can understand that if someone is a close friend, we ourselves might be willing to take part in such party.
    But because others need to be contribute, we get invited many times in the baby shower of the people who are mere acquaitance and we hardly know them. If they were giving party on their own, we are 100% we would not be invited. But because they don't have to contribute and instead we have to contribute, it seems, more and more people they approach, better for them. Searching for more scapegoats?

    Come on, it is your baby, it is your wife, it is your baby shower. It is your occasion. If you want to celebrate, you organize the party and pay for it. We all friends and relatives will come to your party, give a gift, eat food and wish the best for the child and expectant mother.

    What do other people think about this?

  • #2

    You live in a society. With your attitude, you would be loner soon. Anyway, if you don't like to attend a party, say no to the person inviting you. Nobody is going to force you to attend a party.

    I can see none of your friends organizing a baby shower party for you and your wife. Just kidding.


    • #3
      I don't think you understood the points I am trying to make.

      We are getting invited to the parties of the people whom we hardly know, just to contribute!! Seeking 'barka'. We would not have got invited to those parties if they were arranging the party themselves.

      I am not against the baby shower or the society.

      Morever, no one arranged for such surprise baby showers for us when we were expecting a baby. Instead, we arranged baby shower ourselves and invited lot of people and fed them. And of course, we still get invited to the many baby showers where the host is taking care of everything.


      • #4
        I understood your point. Tell me this - Why didn't you say no to the party if you hardly know the person? If you don't go to the party, you don't have to pay. It would be funny if your friends are asking you to pay irrespective of whether you would go to the party or not.


        • #5
          I said that I would be busy with other prior commitments at that time and would not be able to make it.

          No body asked me to pay when I didn't go.

          Of course, no harm or loss caused to me by not going.





