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Sanfrancisco (CA) VS Chicago (IL)

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  • Sanfrancisco (CA) VS Chicago (IL)

    Hi everyone
    Last edited by aliasgar_ns; 04-18-2009, 03:01 PM.

  • #2
    if you can handle the cold Chicago is nice.

    Both cities are expensive with SFO being more expensive.
    But SFO is great in terms of opportunities in IT.


    • #3
      Choose SFO

      Been to the both the places. SFO is great, though expensive. Chicago is so Gangsta. SFO people are professional and life oriented. I liked it.


      • #4

        you can live in the suburbs and work in sfo.
        get the best of both
        great place, nicer weather throughout the year unlike chicago
        chicago is quite good though, except for the weather
        do note that hawaii is close to sfo and so is the american dream cruise to alaska!


        • #5
          To Whom so ever it may concern,

          if choice is bet Chicago and SF o, choose SF o over Chicago because life in Chicago as some one suggested Gangsta LOL yeah , could be that too but it is very cold and windy ! Disappointing really

          ...driving in city is also not that disciplined, other than handling cold you have nothing to do in cold and no sun..IT sucks in chicago...

          To travel from suburbs to Chicago downtown is hell lot of trouble, it takes going through so much BS traffic on Interstates( all of them) . Commuting by metra and pace bus is horrible as they do not seem to have connecting schedule. either you have to wait on station in cold or park your car and wait in car at metra stations.

          It is dark early and hope less life...

          Take SFO branch.





