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short validity passport

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  • short validity passport

    I was issued a 5 year passport in India and it is up for renewal. I fall under the jurisdiction of the Indian embassy in DC. What are the procedures to be followed and the fee charged for this service. I was not able to reach anyone at the embassy or any of the consulates here by email or phone to get this info. The embassy website states it's free if the passport was issued at the embassy, but fails to mention the fee for others. Any info regarding this is appreciated.

  • #2
    someone please help.


    • #3
      Check their website.
      Check out H1 FAQs first!


      • #4
        Like I said, I did check their website, but it doesn't help much


        • #5

          All the below information is from Indian Embassy's web site. If I can find it, you sure can!

          Embassy of India, Washington, DC
          (Consular Jurisdiction: Bermuda, Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia)


          Effective from April 1, 2008 application for all passport services should be filled up online. It may be noted that the Embassy will not accept non-online applications after April 1st.
          Please apply only to the consulate of the appropriate Jurisdiction

          "On-line filled up application can be mailed or submitted in person at the counter of the consular wing."

          " Applicants are advised to submit their passport application on or around the appointment date which appears while filling up application on-line. It will take 4 to 7 working days to process the case after the appointment date."

          Application for a new Passport or renewal of Passport (10) years


          Application for a new full validity passport has to be made when the old passport has completed a period of 10 years from the date of issue. Indication of the date of expiry is denoted by the term ‘Final’ or ‘F’ after the date of expiry e.g. 11.9.2007 (Final) or 11.9.2007 (F). Application can be made no more than one year before the date of expiry of the current passport.

          This is different from extension of validity of a passport, which is applied for in case of short validity passports (where validity is specified as 6 months or one year). Extension is limited to a total period of ten years from the date of issue of the original passport. For extension beyond 10years, a new booklet has to be obtained.

          Application for a new Passport is to be made from April 1, 2008 only online on the prescribed application form. It should be submitted to the Embassy or Consulate General in whose jurisdiction the applicant resides. Embassy will not accept non-online applications after April 1st.

          This application form will enable the applicant to register online. The applicant should ensure that all fillable items are entered correctly. For all correspondence to the Embassy regarding the application please quote your temporary registration number. The application may either be sent by mail or submitted at the Embassy on the date indicated in the application form. It should be submitted to the Embassy or Consulate General in whose jurisdiction the applicant resides.

          ONLY ONLINE FORMS downloaded from the Embassy's website would be accepted. Photographs should be pasted (not Stapled) and application should be signed.

          The following documents and fee are required to be submitted with the application: · After having filled the application online, print a copy.

          · Affix photograph as per specification in the box (do not staple photograph)
          · Old Passport (in original)

          · Additional booklet, if any, (in original)

          · Three recent passport size photographs (3.5 cm x 3.5 cm -front facial pose). Photograph should have a white or a light coloured background. (Photograph with coloured or dark glasses or in uniform or in Polaroid prints or Computer prints will not be accepted). One photograph to be pasted on the space provided on the first page of the application form

          · Two proofs of residential address of the applicant, which may include current Driving License, Utility Bill, rent lease agreement showing the residential address.
          Photocopy of the first five and last two pages of the original / old passport;

          · Pages of passport showing US visa or Green Card (in original) Employment Authorization Card (in original) or other visa documents must be shown at the counter. A photocopy of the entire document / Card should be appended with the application (in case the application is sent by mail, a notarized copy of these documents should be sent);

          · In case application for Green Card or EAC or visa is pending/being processed, a copy of documents in support of this fact must be submitted;

          · In case the current passport does not contain the name of the spouse and the applicant wishes to have it entered in the new passport, copy of notarized marriage certificate must be submitted along with the application.

          In cases where Indian passport has already expired beyond a period of one year, the applicant should submit a notarized affidavit, and may have to appear personally before the Consular Officer. The applicant will be informed by the Embassy / Consulate to appear for interview if the need arises. The Embassy / Consulate will get in touch with applicants in cases where the applications are incomplete / incorrect or have other deficiencies including inadequate fee.

          Application form must be signed by the applicant and completed in all respects. Please ensure that the applicant's signature or thumb impression (in case of infants or illiterate applicants) is provided in the box at the end of the application form. The right thumb impression for female infants and left thumb impression for male infants is required for insertion in the passport. Signatures of both the parents of the infant are to be appended at the place where the applicant is required to affix his or her signature.

          Old passport would be returned after cancellation. Valid visas in the old passport are not cancelled and can be used even after cancellation of passport up to their date of expiry.


          · A non-refundable fee of US$ 40 for normal booklet (36 pages) or US$ 50 for Jumbo booklet (60 pages) has to be paid in cash (only at the counter) or by Certified cheque or Money Order payable to Embassy of India, Washington DC when applying within its jurisdiction or drawn in favour of Consulate General of India, New York / Houston / Chicago, San Francisco, as the case may be. Please note that personal cheques are not accepted. If delivery of documents is requested by mail, applicants must include US$ 20 for Express Mail or US$ 10 for Priority mail (No Tracking Number is generated in this case). It is possible to send one combined cheque for the consular service and mailing service.

          Please note that the fee once paid is not refunded on account of refusal of service or delay in service. Please insist on a receipt for any money paid at the counter.

          Please note that even if the requirements mentioned above are complete in all respects, the Embassy / Consulate reserves the right to ask for any necessary original documents at any stage. These documents are required to be presented for scrutiny and satisfaction of the Consular Officer before any service is rendered.

          Processing time:

          Applications are received at the Consular counter on all working days between 9.30 am to 12.30 pm (local time);

          Serviced documents are delivered on all working days between 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm (local time);

          Processing time for applications received at the Consular counter is between 4 to 7 working days, excluding the date of receipt of application at the Embassy / Consulate.

          Note: The above time schedule does not apply to services where prior approval is required from authorities in India or any other Passport Issuing Authority other than the office where the application is made. In such cases, the processing time would be 30 working days. Passport application must be submitted in person by the applicant or immediate family member of the applicant at the counter or directly through mail to the Embassy/Consulate. Personal interview may be required.



          Outstation applicants may send their application for passport/consular Service by certified/registered/overnight mail to the Embassy / consulate depending upon the consular jurisdiction in which the applicant resides. Fee should be paid by Money Order Draft / Certified cheque in favour of Embassy of India, Washington DC or the Consulate General of India, New York, Chicago, San Francisco or Houston depending upon the jurisdiction the applicant resides. In order to return the passport by mail, US$ 20 for Express Mail or US$ 10 for Priority Mail (No Tracking Number is generated in this case) may be sent alongwith the application. Please note that it is possible to send one certified cheque or Money Order for the passport service as well as for mail service.

          Processing time:

          Processing time for applications received at the Embassy / Consulate is between 4 to 7 working days, excluding the time taken in mail.

          NOTE: The above time schedule does not apply to services where prior approval is required from authorities in India or any other Passport Issuing Authority other than the office where the application is made. In such cases, the processing time would be 30 working days excluding the time taken by mail.

          The applicants are advised to refrain from making telephonic or written enquiries about the status or their application during the normal processing time. The Embassy / Consulate will get in touch with applicants in cases where the applications are incomplete / incorrect or the fee sent is not adequate or not paid in the acceptable manner or where there are other deficiencies. THE EMBASSY / CONSULATE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DOCUMENTS LOST IN MAIL. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT A PASSPORT SHOULD NOT BE SENT OUT OF ANY COUNTRY BY POST. Application may be sent to the embassy or Consulate depending upon the place where the applicant resides. The Consular jurisdiction and addresses of our offices are as follows:

          Embassy of India,
          Consular Wing,
          2536, Massachusetts Avenue, NW,
          Washington DC 20008

          Jurisdiction of Embassy of India, Washington DC

          Delaware, Washington DC, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Bermuda.

          Consulate General of India, New York:
          Consular Section
          3 East, 64 Street
          New York, NY-10065

          Jurisdiction of Consulate General of India, New York

          Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont and The Virgin Islands.

          Consulate General of India, San Francisco
          Consular Section,
          540, Arguello Boulevard,
          San Francisco, CA-94118

          Jurisdiction of Consulate General of India, San Francisco
          Alaska, Arizona, Hawaii, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Idaho, California.

          Consulate General of India, Houston
          Consular Section,
          1990, Post Oak Boulevard,
          # 600, 3 Post Oak Central,
          Houston TX 77056

          Jurisdiction of Consulate General of India, Houston

          Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Texas, Florida, Georgia.

          Consulate General of India, Chicago
          Consular Section,
          455, North City Front,
          Plaza Drive (NBC Tower Building),
          Suite # 850,
          Chicago, Illinois 60611

          Jurisdiction of Consulate General of India, Chicago





