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pregnant and renew the insurance

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  • pregnant and renew the insurance

    Hi, If i buy a 6 months short-term insurance and turn out to be pregnant during that period, would that affect my ability to renew the insurance for another 6 months? Is there any limitations on that?

  • #2
    No, it would not affect your ability to extend the coverage as long as the plan you purchase itself is extendable.
    Thanks & Regards
    Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
    Local: (972) 985-4400
    Fax: (972) 767-4470
    Website: http://www.insubuy.com


    • #3
      So there is an option to choose whether the plan I bought is renewable, isn't there? Whether the renew of the plan should go through the medical provider underwritten, and there is no risk for renewing it and keeping the same materity care coverage as long as I choose "extendable"???

      Thanks again.


      • #4
        You have understood it wrong.

        You can extend the plan does not mean it will cover maternity. In fact, no short term plan covers maternity.

        Which specific insurance plan are you planning to purchase?
        Thanks & Regards
        Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
        Local: (972) 985-4400
        Fax: (972) 767-4470
        Website: http://www.insubuy.com


        • #5
          Got it. Then I switch to get a rate for a "long-term" plan. The only provider seems to be the Atena, and when i clicked thorough, no rate is reported but a PDF file titled as "Atena advantage plans for Individuals and families" is popped up. Should I send the application form for evaluation so that I can get a rate? Or can I check the rate online?


          • #6
            Please click on the link 'Request Quotes' on the page http://www.domesticinsuranceusa.comh...al-insurance//

            That link is just below the Aetna logo. You can just click on the Aetna logo also. You fill the form and we will give you the quotes.
            Thanks & Regards
            Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
            Local: (972) 985-4400
            Fax: (972) 767-4470
            Website: http://www.insubuy.com


            • #7
              Got it.


              • #8
                Pregnant, US citizen living overseas returning to US

                Hi my wife, myself and our 15month baby are moving to live in the US and we need health insurance. My wife na ddiaughter are American and I'm British. My wife is now pregnant and we are trying to establish what health insurance is available to her:

                A) can she get health insurance to cover giving birth? If not what are the average costs of this in MN?

                B) Can you get cover to see her through the remaining 7 months of pregnancy for all other health matters outside of pregnancy. Eg breaks a leg, has a cold, etc?

                c) If no to the above, at what point can she get health insurance to cover her after birth?




                • #9
                  A) You can't get any insurance to cover her pregnancy if she is already pregnant.

                  Only possible way out could that if your employer provides the group health insurance and willing to enroll all of you. Check with your employer.

                  B) Yes, you can. Look at Liaison International at https://www.insubuy.com/patriot-america-plus-insurance/

                  C) Once she gives birth to baby, she has more options. Look at http://www.domesticinsuranceusa.comh...cal-insurance/
                  Thanks & Regards
                  Toll Free: (866) INSUBUY
                  Local: (972) 985-4400
                  Fax: (972) 767-4470
                  Website: http://www.insubuy.com





