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Schengen visa application form help

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  • Schengen visa application form help

    I am filling up the Schengen visa application form to apply at the German embassy for a tourist visa. There is a section which says "Schengen visas issued during the past three years". I have lived previously in Germany from 2011-2014 and I have had my resident permit renewed 4 times. The problem is I have only the second and latest date information as Biometric resident cards were issued and not paper visa. The one that I know is from Nov 2012- Dec 2013 and then Apr 2014 to Jan 2015. But I have no information from Dec 2013 to Apr 2014. I vaguely remember that I applied for renewal in June 2013 but not sure.

    Will it be a problem if I put down only the latest visa that was valid from Apr 2014- Jan 2015 or do I need to exclude this info since its not a tourist visa and was a resident permit ?

    Many thanks
    Last edited by nbnn; 07-04-2015, 09:29 AM.




