I am from Iran and want to visit my friends in Germany, but getting a visa is difficult.
However, I have a German friend who wants to send me a formal invitation letter called verpflichtungserklaerung so that I can get the visa likely. On the other hand, according to immigration office of her town, as her salary statement is below 1500 €, she has to lock 5000 € in bank. She can then access to this money when I leave the country which is in 14 days for my case. She is afraid that what is the complete process of getting the money back. There is another document called Grenzüberschritts Bescheinigung that she is told to fill, but she doesn't know what is it clearly. To sum up my questions and end her worries, I have some questions and would like to receive your answers. please provide the source of your replies if you have.
1) What is the exact process of getting verpflichtungserklaerung, when her income is less than required 1500 e?
*2) How do immigration office understands that I left Germany in the last day, so that they will notify the bank to unlock her money?
* 3) What will happen if she send me the verpflichtungserklaerung, but I cannot get the Visa? How can she unlock her money and inform the immigration office that I haven't even entered Germany.
4) What is Grenzüberschritts Bescheinigung and when is it needed to
However, I have a German friend who wants to send me a formal invitation letter called verpflichtungserklaerung so that I can get the visa likely. On the other hand, according to immigration office of her town, as her salary statement is below 1500 €, she has to lock 5000 € in bank. She can then access to this money when I leave the country which is in 14 days for my case. She is afraid that what is the complete process of getting the money back. There is another document called Grenzüberschritts Bescheinigung that she is told to fill, but she doesn't know what is it clearly. To sum up my questions and end her worries, I have some questions and would like to receive your answers. please provide the source of your replies if you have.
1) What is the exact process of getting verpflichtungserklaerung, when her income is less than required 1500 e?
*2) How do immigration office understands that I left Germany in the last day, so that they will notify the bank to unlock her money?
* 3) What will happen if she send me the verpflichtungserklaerung, but I cannot get the Visa? How can she unlock her money and inform the immigration office that I haven't even entered Germany.
4) What is Grenzüberschritts Bescheinigung and when is it needed to