I have read your website but am still confused about my situation:
I am a citizen of China, traveling with a Chinese passport. However, I am a permanent resident of the USA and hold a green card. I will be traveling from Chicago to Amsterdam on a Schengen Visa. However, I need to switch a flight in London. The layover time between my flights is less than 12 hours. Do I need a special VISA just to pass through London if I don’t get out of the airport?
I have read your website but am still confused about my situation:
I am a citizen of China, traveling with a Chinese passport. However, I am a permanent resident of the USA and hold a green card. I will be traveling from Chicago to Amsterdam on a Schengen Visa. However, I need to switch a flight in London. The layover time between my flights is less than 12 hours. Do I need a special VISA just to pass through London if I don’t get out of the airport?