Many people said that your web site is an excellent source of info. I read the Schengen visa in your web site and would like to know this info. Exmaple: If I want to fly from US to London, enter France by train, visit Paris, Swiss, Italy and return from Italy-France-London by train again. Can I apply a visa at Italian consulate and get Schengen visa with entry point as France?
I appreciate your response.
Many people said that your web site is an excellent source of info. I read the Schengen visa in your web site and would like to know this info. Exmaple: If I want to fly from US to London, enter France by train, visit Paris, Swiss, Italy and return from Italy-France-London by train again. Can I apply a visa at Italian consulate and get Schengen visa with entry point as France?
I appreciate your response.