Mixed Insurance Banners Health Insurance for Visitors to USA


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6 years cap x

  • PERM with be applied in my 6th year

    Hi All,
    I am in tricky situation currently. I work for a reputed US company. I am in my 6th year of H1B which is expiring on 11/02/2018. My company has initiated my GC process but they will be able to file my PERM application only by June first week (They go through complete process). I also...
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  • pradeeppawar
    started a topic Valid H1-B visa for I-140 or Labor approval?

    Valid H1-B visa for I-140 or Labor approval?

    I am about to complete my 6 years (including recap time) of H1-B, however my Labor petition is still pending, so if my H1-B Expires before my labor and I-140 is approved, can i still apply for a h1-b extension once i have a approved I-140? or i will have to obtain a new H1-B?
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  • L1 to F1 Conversion and 6 years cap

    Dear experts,
    I am aksing a question in this forum to get your expert answers and that will guide me in proper planning.

    I have been staying in US for 2.5 years (Two L1 - Issued in 2010 and 2013) and they are issued back to back (not after one year interval). So I have consumed...
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