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b1 reapply x

  • snivas.alluri
    started a topic B1 Visa rejected 7 years ago

    B1 Visa rejected 7 years ago

    Sir, somebody please help me.

    My B1 visa application was rejected twice in the year of 2007. Now my company again wants to send me USA for some training. what are chances of getting visa?
    Situations I explained below

    Age 27, UN-married, Non Tax payer,...
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  • Need help for B1-Strange situation- need help


    so i applied for b-1 visa, here is my situation

    CEO & owner of a company
    annual income 200,000 US$
    living in Pakistan
    divorced, one kid
    hotel and ticket booked

    gave interview today with following Q/A

    VO. What do you...
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    Last edited by zain; 12-04-2013, 05:29 PM.

  • B1 denied - Lawyer says reapply within 2 weeks

    I am a citizen of India and recently applied for a B-1 visa through my new employer (1 months old employment) which was denied. In the past I have held F-1 and H-1B visas and never overstayed. I relocated back to India before my H-1B expired in 2009.

    During my interview I was asked where...
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