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child 21 years x

  • Over age or Still under age?

    Good day, my father (Permanent resident) filed petition for me when I was still 20 yrs old last April 2017, but up until this year there is no updates or approval yet, I'll be turning 22 already and I'm bothered that I may fall to "Over21" application already which means I'll wait longer ....
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  • gabinho770
    started a topic child protection act

    child protection act

    my mother who is LPR applied for me as unmarried child under 21
    priority date 11/03/2105
    my birth date is 04/31/96
    my i-130 got approved 2 months later and I've been waiting for my priority date which has been current since November 10 2017 but i'm now 21 year old and my application...
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  • Is my son also eligible for getting the immgrant visa?

    My immigrant visa category is F4 which is for sibling of U.S. citizen, and I have just received a letter for the interview, however my son's name is not listed on the letter. My son is now 22, unmarried. I understand he is older than 21 and is not eligible for the visa. But is there any other way that...
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  • Mkaran
    started a topic L-2 Eligibility

    L-2 Eligibility

    My company is planning to transfer me to USA on L1A.
    Normally, my wife & sons should get L-2 visa.
    However I have a problem; as one of my son in older than 21 years and therefore I was told that he is not eligible to get L-2 visa and cab only visitors B-2 visa.
    But this is a...
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  • Child turning 21 - Consular Processing


    I have applied under CP in EB2 category and my dates have become current for Sept. In the meantime my daughter has turned 21. Though I have informed this to NVC much earlier, I got the interview on the neck of the moment and I am really confused.

    1. As per CSPA (Child...
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