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  • Processing Time for F4 Green Card and Family Sponsership

    Hello. I am an Indian citizen, whom resides in Thailand. My US citizen sister has applied an F4 green card for me in 2013. At what year will I receive my permanent residency?

    In addition, I have a 14 year old daughter. Will the F4 for me also apply for her or will I need an F2B, as she...
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  • gomez123
    started a topic F4 Green Card Help

    F4 Green Card Help

    I am an Indian citizen. My US citizen sister has applied an f4 green card for me, in 2013. When will I receive my green card?
    In addition, I have a daughter who is 14; when I get my green card, what date will she get hers, as she will be over 21 by the time I am processed.
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