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h1 cap x

  • Vishall_KS
    started a topic H1 CAP Exempt Doubt

    H1 CAP Exempt Doubt

    Hi All,

    I got my Visa stamped on 16th September 2013 and got an initial validity of 3 years till 16th September 2016, out of which I have worked in US from 14th June 2014 - 14th June 2015. Since my Visa is expired now, If in case my new employer is interested to process new H1 visa .....
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  • Query on h1 cap except and fresh h1

    I was in US for around 4 years( on both L1 and h1) and I came back in Jan 2014. My current employer A processed the h1b cap exempt(which i had already used 4 years), petition approved, awaiting for stamping. I know I can use only 2 years which is remaining.

    Meanwhile another employer...
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  • L1B to H1B change of status

    I had an H1B approved petition in 2013 from Company A. However I did not come to US with Company A. Also didn’t have VISA stamp for H1B.
    Instead my company (company B) transferred me on L1 to US in 2014.
    Now I would like to change status from L1 to H1.
    H1B was never withdrawn...
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  • vagrawal82
    started a topic L1-H1 year calculation

    L1-H1 year calculation

    I came to USA on L1B and stayed in USA between 2007 - 2010. After that I went back to India and stayed there for 4 years.

    My New H1B was filed in 2012 and the petition was approved dec 2012. My H1 Visa Stamping was donein Apr 2014. Then I traveled to USA on Sep 2014.

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