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h1 to h4 and back to h1 x

  • H1B TO H4 and withdrawl of H4

    Hi All
    Thanks in advance. I have a query on H1B to H4 and H4 withdrawl

    Suppose I am on H1B and applied H4 COS - selected effective date as 4 months now(ex. december 31st). So officially I can work till december 31st on H1B right? Suppose if I changed my mind and with drawl H4 (before...
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  • H1 to H4 and then transfer to H1

    I am on H1 visa, and my company informed me that my last working day is tomorrow. As I understood from forums that I should leave the country asap as I dont have job or employer. But since my husband is on H1, I would like to convert to H4 until I could find an employer who could sponsor...
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  • jsquare
    started a topic H1 to H4 COS urgent help

    H1 to H4 COS urgent help


    I am currently working in US on an H1 B visa. My husband is also working on H1 B Visa. My current project is getting over on 2/26. I might get another project with my current employer in a couple of months. I am planning to move to H4 and stay in USA.
    I have a few questions:...
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  • H1B petition Extension after Max Out date

    Hi All,

    Has anyone(or anyone you know) converted to H4 after maxing out on the H1B while waiting for the perm approval.

    My H1B will max out on Oct25 '14 and my PD is 06/05/2014. My employer says that I can take the H1B->H4->H1B route without having to leave the...
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  • sjumani
    started a topic H1 to H4 and back to H1

    H1 to H4 and back to H1

    Hi All,

    Please help me with this situation.

    Right now am on h1B and the petition is valid till 2015.

    Am planning to change to H4 and go to India for some time.
    Can i come back and do a h1 transfer and convert from H4 to H1 again.
    Is it safe...
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  • virender.atri
    started a topic H1 to H4

    H1 to H4

    Dear all,

    I am in US with on an h1B visa. My wife, back in India too have a valid H1B visa. Her employer have not provide any clarity on when she will be posted here in US. So she wants to join me as a dependant on H4.

    My question is:
    1) If we apply for a H4 visa...
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  • kranthi_kk
    started a topic Change of status from H1 to H4

    Change of status from H1 to H4

    Hi All,

    Sorry if it is a repeated question.

    I'm on H1B from X company, and my spouse is on H1B with another company. Her project is getting over by this Friday (05/02). My daughter is on H4 dependent on my Spouse Visa.
    What is the process to change the status (COS)...
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  • Queries regarding H1 to H4 and back to H1


    I am currently working in US on H1B ( since Dec 2012). My visa is valid till April 2015. I am planning to convert to H4 sometime in next two months and return to work probably after a year. So I have few questions regarding the whole process.
    1. Once I get H4 status, will it...
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  • What is the best way to convert H1 to H4 Visa ?


    My wife has pay slips until April 2013. She is not working after that. What is the best way to convert her Visa status to H4, as she don't have her latest payslip ? If we still go with I-539 Status change, will there be any question about the latest payslip ? Otherwise, ...
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  • khushin_18
    started a topic H1B to H4 to H1B

    H1B to H4 to H1B


    I was previously on H1B visa for about a year. After that I changed my status to H4 visa. Now I would like to work again. I have the following questions.

    1) Can I use my old H1B visa?
    2) Am I cap exempt? Would like to know if I still can apply change of status...
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  • urgent Information Required: H1 to H4 conversion - H1 to H4 and back to H1

    My wife is currently working in US with H1B (valid till Dec 2014) and as now her project is ending she wants to convert her status to H4 using my H1B Visa so that she can stay in US till her employer finds a new job.

    I have below queries:
    What is the procedure to convert H1 to...
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  • Natasha21
    started a topic H1 to H4 to H1

    H1 to H4 to H1

    Hi ,
    I'm currently on my 9th year of H1 ( with my I-140 approved). I would like to take a break for few months, maybe 6 to 8 months or more. I understand my company ( Indian ) will cancel my H1 and probably my green card processing.

    So, I will have to convert to H4 based on my husband's...
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  • H4 to H1 with new employer (after PERM/I-140 approval)

    Hi Experts,

    I maxout out on my H1 in Feb '10 and moved to a H4 visa. My PERM and I 140 were approved in Apr and May respectively. But now my employer says they cannot hire me back. Will a new employer be able to apply for my H1 B extension based on the PERM approval or will they have...
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  • subratabaneerjee
    started a topic H4 to H1B conversion

    H4 to H1B conversion

    My wife was on H4 VISA when she came with me to US. While in US, one of the company
    filed a H1B for her and she got it. After getting her H1B, due to pregnancy reasons she could not work and we converted her status back to H4 after an year.
    Now the baby is grown up and she would like to...
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