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h1 to h4 and h1 again x

  • Have H1 Visa, traveling to India and get H4 stamping


    Company A filed my H1-B Visa and I came to US. After 1 year, I moved to Company B and I have been working here since 2014. I visited India and got the stamping done with Company B.
    My wife was on H4 and she got her H1-B in the year 2015. She did not travel to India after she...
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  • Sam Khan
    started a topic H1 to H4 COS

    H1 to H4 COS


    I am on H1B and my visa is valid until Feb 2017. I would like to convert to H4 as I have to take care of my new born for 1 year.

    1.) What is the processing time for H1 to H4 visa?

    2.) If I apply for H4 visa now(Nov). What will be my status(H1 or H4) from...
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    Last edited by Sam Khan; 10-27-2015, 01:31 PM.

  • Natasha21
    started a topic H1 to H4 to H1

    H1 to H4 to H1

    Hi ,
    I'm currently on my 9th year of H1 ( with my I-140 approved). I would like to take a break for few months, maybe 6 to 8 months or more. I understand my company ( Indian ) will cancel my H1 and probably my green card processing.

    So, I will have to convert to H4 based on my husband's...
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  • H1 to H4 and back again on H1


    My H1 is expiring on Sept 2012. I would like to go on H4 for six-nine months and then apply h1 again.

    My question is :
    1. will i come under cap for 2013 and have to start job from OCt 2013
    2. I will not come under cap and can start any time when i have approved...
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    Last edited by [email protected]; 07-16-2012, 04:15 PM.




