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h1b extension 2014 x

  • shravan446@gmail.com
    started a topic H1b Extension applied

    H1b Extension applied


    Working in NJ, My VISA has expired so my employer has filed for H1b Extension on Nov 11th. Now we all know that we do not have an exact estimation time about this process..it could take 60 days or 85 days and i have seen cases which took more than 100 days still the case is in initial...
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  • I-94 Reciept - Not recieved.

    Hi -

    My company filed for H1B Extension on Sept 23rd and its now Nov 24th. My visa expired on Sept 30th. I have not yet recieved my I-94 reciept.

    Please advice as to why this may have occured, what are next steps I can take and what is worst case scenario?
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  • gauravsaini228
    started a topic Gap in H1B validity dates

    Gap in H1B validity dates

    I have noticed the following gap in my H1B validity dates:

    My original I797 valid till : Sep 30, 2014
    Extension Filed by Employer on: Aug 15, 2014
    Approval received on : Oct 23, 2014
    Valid from date in new I797 : Oct 17, 2014

    As you can see there is...
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  • vikikhana
    started a topic H1B extension + H4 application

    H1B extension + H4 application

    I am visiting India in December 2014 and will be getting married. I had a few questions about the H1B re-stamping process and H4 application.

    I joined my current company in July 2012. The H1B visa on my passport reflects the name of my previous employer. My current...
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  • H1B Visa extension - moving RFE response to premium

    Hi all,

    I have a query regarding my H1B Visa extension (ie, moving my RFE response to premium).

    I applied for my H1B visa extension in the last week of may of 2014 and it came to RFE in the 2nd week of August (from the USCIS website). My employer got a the communication...
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  • Kaushik912
    started a topic H1B Extension ( urgent quiery)

    H1B Extension ( urgent quiery)


    I am on H1B visa and it is valid till Oct-01-2014 (both I-94 & I 797) and can be extendable for 4 more years as i just consumed only 2 years.
    I am currently in India and my visa is only valid 4 more months. in this case, my first question:

    1. Can i travel...
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  • nj29
    started a topic Chances of H1B extension denial?

    Chances of H1B extension denial?


    I came to US on July 31, 2013. My current I-94 and H1B expired on March 10,2014. I applied for H1B extension on Dec 30, 2013 but received an RFE on March 8, 2014. My office attorney replied to the RFE with client letter, Manager letter and SOW on May 16, 2014 as after receiving the...
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