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h1b f1 x

  • Sai Vignesh
    started a topic H1B to F1 Status

    H1B to F1 Status

    HI All ,

    This is my situation :

    I graduated in Dec 2013 and got my 1st OPT in Jan 2014 and is valid through Jan 2015

    In April my current employer filed for a H1B petition and I was approved with effective date Oct 1 2014

    Now there is a chance...
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  • kayzid
    started a topic H1B to F1

    H1B to F1

    I am currently working in a company in USA on H1B, I am thinking of leaving my job and going back to India. If i do this and after going back to India, I apply to universities in USA for a course. Will i face any problems in getting a F1 visa as I was on h1b before?
    I have done my Bachelors...
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    Last edited by kayzid; 04-23-2014, 01:33 AM.

  • Tavel to INDIA on OPT and F1 valid, but H1B in Processing stage

    Hi, I would like to travel to INDIA on some personal work and its mandatory. Right now i am on OPT which is valid till 05/2011 and my F1 visa is valid till 05/2012.

    As of today my H1B (Applied in General, NOT A PREMIUM) Status is "Request for Evidence Response Review" from past...
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  • h1btof1
    started a topic change of status from H1B to F1

    change of status from H1B to F1

    I am on H1b visa. I have an I-20 from university A. I have applied to university B and would prefer to go to university B if they offer me admission. However I won't know about university B's decision until mid of December. Can I apply for change of status from H1b to F1 with I-20 from university A,...
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  • h1btof1
    started a topic Change of status from H1B to F1

    Change of status from H1B to F1

    I am on H1b visa. I have an I-20 from university A. I have applied to university B and would prefer to go to university B if they offer me admission. However I won't know about university B's decision until mid of December. Can I apply for change of status from H1b to F1 with I-20 from university A,...
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