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i94 for h1 x

  • H1B lottery application while travelling

    I am currently on L1B and will be going for my application renewal during March-April 2020 and that is also the time when H1B lottery happens so my application for H1B will be going through. The problem is my I94 details will change once I travel and as I remember from last 2 attempts, my attorney asked...
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  • Dependent travel during L1 to H1 COS

    Hello all members of this group,
    My scenario:
    I am on L1(Expired) I94 valid till March 2014
    Dependent L2 Valid till March 2014
    we both are in USA,
    My employer is going to apply L1 to H1 COS for me in April 2013.
    My spouse has to travel to India in May 2013...
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  • nagaluru
    started a topic COS for approved H1

    COS for approved H1


    Currently i am on L1 with company X and had applied for My H1last year through Y employer.
    However, I had requested my new employer to apply only for H1 and not for status change.

    My H1 got approved in Aug-2010 for 2011 quota but without I-94 attached.
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    Last edited by nagaluru; 10-04-2011, 04:48 PM.




