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i944 x

  • didrovo
    started a topic Assets section of I944

    Assets section of I944

    We are completing the assets section of I944, we are wondering if it's required to list our bank account balances and such. I read online that you will need to submit 12 months of statements but this will be such a hassle as we changed banks when we got married a few months back, and the...
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  • Diploma and other credentials for AOS

    I came to the US on February 3 2020. It was only after our wedding on February 20, that i looked into the list of requirements for the new public charge form. How true is it that I need to request an English translation of my diploma (in the philippines) and request for a US standard equivalent of all...
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  • I-944 form Public charge rule

    Hi there;

    Same sex couple here; my partner and I are thinking about filing for AOS at the end of the month. He's a USC, do we still have to file the I-944 form with the I-485?

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  • Kogane
    started a topic About form i-944

    About form i-944

    Hi! Did some of you already started working with the new form I-944?
    It is now part of the process of the adjustment of status and has for goal to prove that one is not going to be a public charge.

    I'm filling an AOS as a non resident alien, arrived with a K1, married since, now out...
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    Last edited by Kogane; 02-26-2020, 02:47 PM.




