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l1 blanket x

  • L1 Blanket Chennai, can do OFC appointment at Delhi


    I am scheduling my consulate appointment for L1 Blanket at Chennai. I am located in Delhi.
    Before consulate appointment, I need to do my Fingerprinting appointment at VAC center.

    My query is that can I do my finger printing at New Delhi VAC and goto Chennai for just...
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    Last edited by [email protected]; 08-04-2022, 08:01 AM.

  • L1A Blanket stamping, holding valid H1B with same employer

    I am currently working in Canada and have a H1B visa stamped on my passport which is valid until Dec 2019. My employer wants me to apply for L1A Blanket visa.

    My questions are:
    1) Will it be a problem for L1A?
    2) Will be VO cancel my H1B irrespective of L1A decision...
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  • L1 Blanket valid visa -can I enter from Canada?

    Hi I am new to this forum.
    I have a question on my current L1 blanket visa. My travel for work is scheduled at the end of May 2018. However in the meantime I have a preset soft landing planned in Canada for Canada PR stamping.
    Since both of these visits are almost back to back, my question...
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  • kb2707
    started a topic Blanket L- I94 greater than PED & I129S

    Blanket L- I94 greater than PED & I129S

    Hello members,
    I am on a Blanket L, Initially I had my I129S, PED & I-94 all for 3 years (expiring 2018) However the visa stamp is for 5 years expiring 2020 (I got stamped from a country that has 5 years reciprocal agreement with US). Recently when reentered US, my I94 was extended to 5 years...
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  • Fresh L1 blanket petition - L2 out of status ?

    Me and my spouse are in US for last 2 years on L1 Blanket/L2 visa respectively. Both visas and I94 set to expire 3 months from today. My spouse holds a valid EAD set to expire 1 month before L2 expiry.
    My spouse's company has filed H1, still under RFE.

    Okay, here's the situation,...
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  • L2 Visa process for wife currently on F1 and in USA-Husband on L1 Blanket

    Hi there,

    I am currently in the US on an L1A Blanket Visa working for Company A.

    My wife is also working in the US on a F1 OPT work authorization which is valid till Jan 03,2018. She works for Company B.

    My wife's company filed H1B for her in the 2017 Filing...
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  • avravi
    started a topic L1 visa through previous employer

    L1 visa through previous employer


    I was working with a company for over 5.5 years and left them recently (9 months back). They are now willing to sponsor my L1 now. As per the basic criteria, I worked for the company for over 2 years in the recent 3 years time period. However, I am not sure about the following. Appreciate...
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  • L1A Stamping in Canada instead of India- Benifit

    Hi, i am currently in US working on L1B visa since May 2014. My organization is ready to file a blanket petition for L1 A followed by green card. I want to show some benefit to my organization by going this process in Canada instead of India as i have read in many articles, that rejection rate is very...
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  • L1 B Extension rejected during visa stamping


    My wife is on L1B valid through Jan 2017 and I'm working on L2 EAD.
    My wife recently travelled to India and visited the US Consulate to get visa extension stamped. Her employer provided her with an approved L1 B Blanket petition to proceed with the visa stamping. The immigration...
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  • spani9
    started a topic L1 individual after L1 blanket rejection

    L1 individual after L1 blanket rejection


    Can I know if I can reapply for L1 individual after my L1 blanket got rejected.

    What will be the extra fee.? and eligibility criteria
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  • L1 blanket Visa expiry date and PED is different.

    Recently I got my L1 Blanket approved. But in the Visa L1 expiry date is Dec 2018 same as I197S stamp but PED expiry date is sep 2016.
    if i am not wrong my valid stay in US will be decided by I94 , which will be given at port of entry. Wanted to know whether officer at port of entry will give...
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  • DS-160 re submission (appointment is taken)


    I have made couple of mistakes in my DS-160 (due to the miscommunication). The travel desk of my employer is asking me to resubmit the form and request them to consider the new DS-160 application number during the Bio-metric. The question is, even I resubmit, will they consider...
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  • himanshub
    started a topic L1 Blanket-L2 VISA -ACCEPTED

    L1 Blanket-L2 VISA -ACCEPTED

    I still remember the day - 18th August, 2014 when our interview for visa was scheduled in Chennai Office. We had already done our fingerprints on 11th August in New-Delhi office. So, there was a gap for us of one week and this was quiet enough to have thorough preparations for the Big Day. One day prior...
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  • smart200494
    started a topic L1 B blanket criteria

    L1 B blanket criteria

    My organization wants me to apply for L1B blanket. I am working with XYZ organization for last 19 months which is also my total working experience. My question is that I am on roll to XYZ for last 9 months and 9 months off roll contract employee (working for xyz but hired by ABC). Am I eligible for...
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  • L1B blanket after L1B Individual rejection


    My company applied for L1 individual around a year back which was rejected after a RFE, probably doubting the specialized skill set.
    Even after a re-appeal, it did not come through.

    Now my company (after being acquired by a bigger org) is eligible to file L1b...
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